Chapter 9

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Holy mother of witches it's you


Wanda's POV

It's been hours and the mystery women has not waken up yet. At first I didn't know if the person was a man or a woman but the more I stared at them the more I could see girly features and concluded that it's a woman.

I tried to wake them up with my powers but I couldn't get in her head. This made me on edge a bit. Why can't I get in her head. I she an enhanced like I am. Is she alien. She's probably dangerous. The more time past the more uneasy I became.

I decided to sit back down in the chair by the couch and continue reading from my spot from my Harry Potter book. I read for probably not even twenty-five minutes when I heard a groan.

My head shot up from my book and look at the mystery girl and saw that she was awake. I quietly put my book of the coffee table Infront of me and slowly got up. I tried to be as quiet as I can but it's like she still heard me cause her head shot in my direction.

She looked at me wide eyes, mouth opening and closing trying to figure out what to say but nothing came out. She went to touch her head and then groaned again. She looked back at me then around the cabin then back at me.

That's when I decided to speak up. "Hi I'm Wanda ". She just looked at me like I'm stupid or something. " I know who you are Maximoff" she said. I quirked an eyebrow at her. " You say that like you know me know me" I said. Now she really looks at me like I'm stupid.

She  softly chuckles " I know more about you, than you know about me Maximoff" she said. This makes me a bit unsettled and weary of her. It's like she seems to notice me being uncomfortable and speaks again.

"I didn't mean to sound obsessive or stalkerish or anything I just read a lot about you that's all". I just stared at her more and she stared back. I then trail my eyes over her suit and notice two throwing knives. My eyes widen a little bit but composed myself. How the hell did I forget to check her for weapons.

She follows my line of site then looks back at me. " You can take them if that make you feel more comfortable" she said. I look at her confused. Why would she let me take them if she knew who I was. Why isn't she scared.

She raises her hands slowly showing she means no harm. She then slowly takes the two knives from her suit and places them on the coffee table Infront of her. She sits back a little and just looks at me.

I stare at her some more than finally ask " Why aren't you scared of me ". She looks at me for a moment than answers with " You haven't given me a reason to be scared of you". I just look at her like she's grown two heads or something.

She smiles at me before saying. " My mom told me about you, she really liked you, which is weird because she doesn't like anyone that easily". I looked at her confused. Her mother knew me? Who is her mother?

Again she senses my confusion before slow standing up and slowly sticking her hand out then introduces herself. " Keagan Romanoff nice to meet you red eyes". I stand there shocked to my core. Did I hear that right, Romanoff. As in Natasha badass Romanoff.She just laughs at the look on my face.

Keagan's POV

I laugh at the look that's on her face. She goes to open her mouth but nothing comes out. I sit back down waiting for her to recover from the shock. I just think about how i finally met the infamous Wanda Maximoff.

She recovers from her shock and just stares at me. " She's your mother " she finally asks. I laugh a little while nodding my head. " Adopted mother but yeah " i said. She blinks a few times before her face contorts to seriousness.

" I have questions" she says. I sigh but then nod my head telling her to ask away. " What happened to you " she asks. I take a deep breath before answering. " My plane crashed". She looks like she think before she asks another question. " Why are you dressed like that". And at this moment I knew I had to answer carefully.

I know that when she finds out that I work for Sword she's gonna be pissed.  " For a mission" I answer. She frowns. I can feel her emotions, it's suffocating. " Who do work for and what was your mission" she asks again.

Here we go. " Alright I'm gonna tell you but you have to let me tell you and explain the situation then you can decide what you want to do with me.. okay". I say. She frowns but slowly nods.

I take a deep breath. " Im working undercover in Sword to bring Tyler Hayward down. My friend Jimmy works for the FBI and was there when Hayward did all that crazy shit he did in Westview".

"Hayward was suppose to be sent to jail but he was able to pull some strings and not go. He continued being director of Sword. Jimmy called me in to come undercover to help put a stop to him".

"He's been trying to find you ever since you left Westview. He would get these leads about your where about but it leads to honestly no where. Except for this lead I guess".

" He sent me and agent Blake to check this lead out, but uh the jet I don't it stopped working. Agent Blake didn't make it. He uh dead on the jet and uh I crashed in the water".

She looked at me and I was thankful that she just sat and listened. But I can still feel that she is still weary about me which I totally get.

" Why can't I get in you head " she asks. I look at her confused. Why can't she get in my head? Isn't that her thing, mind games. " Wait you can't get in my head I thought that was what you do" I ask.

She shakes her head no. Maybe its a power I didn't know I had. I just shrugged. " You sure you can't get in my head" I ask. She just nods. "I would have let you to so you can see what all happened" I say.

She looks at me dumbfounded. Like I'm crazy or something. " You would let me go in your head" she asks. I just nod my head. " Why" she asks. "So you  could see that I'm being truthful" I say. She laughs a bit before saying " I can tell your telling the truth". I humm.

I then look around and notice I don't see my bo staff. I look up at her. I sense that she can see that I'm uneasy about something. " Did you so happen to see my bo staff when you found me" I ask. She slowly nods and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Why" she asks. " It was a gift from my uncle Tony " I say. She looks amused. "Stark" she asks I just nod. She than asks " Did any of the other avengers know about you". I nod while saying " At first only ones who knew were uncle Tony and uncle Clint. But the others found out at uncle Tony's funeral".

She tilted her head and says " You were at the funeral" I nod. " Were you uh snapped away like me" she asks. I sucked in my breath before nodding not like talking about that barney -hulk looking asshole.

She can see that talking about that make me a bit mad she than asks another question. " Do you have powers, are you like enhanced or something" she asks. "I have powers but I'm not a enhanced like you I was born with my powers. I'm half human half alien" I say.

She looks at me and I can tell she wants to know more. " I can make things have a Kinect charge and blow things up. I'm an empath. And I can turn into a wolf". I tell her while flashing her my hybrid face then going back to normal. " Since I can turn into a wolf I have heighten abilities like speed, senses , healing, and regeneration. I'm technically immortal ". She nods.

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