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A/N Hi, this shot is going to be about Maze and Lucifer. I'm going to change what happens in s3 because I don't like it and I can do whatever I want. So any story line changes or mishaps are probably intentional. Also, Peirce I hate him with every fiber of my being. Anyway, enjoy and good luck figuring out what the hell I'm about to write.  

Starts at the end of S3, Ep 19. I'm pretending Peirce doesn't exist, you can too but it's not relevant. This is how I wished it would've gone, but Lucifer is an idiot. Thank God he's cute. (see what I did there)

Maze walked into Lucifers penthouse. She hoped, beyond reason probably, that Lucifer called her there to take her home. Lucifer was playing the piano. She sighed loudly as she walked over to him, 

"I'm here, what do you want?" She hated that she still showed up whenever she asked, but he was the only person, well Devil, that had always been there for her. 

"To apologize," Maze was taken aback. The devil, apologize to a demon. That never happened. 

"Look, I thought you were manipulating me, but I'm a big enough devil to admit when I'm wrong." Maze shot him a look, they'd been friends for ions, Lucifer never admitted when he was wrong, but his apology sounded genuine. He made a distressed noise, then shook his head as if clearing it, 

"and anyway, killer caught, demon exonerated," Lucifer handed her a glass of whiskey, "all good now?" For some reason Maze felt as if he actually cared, but quickly dismissed it. He was just being polite, but if he really wanted to know her issues, why not tell him. 

"No," she swallowed back tears, angry at herself for being emotional, "everything that happened showed me exactly why I need to go back." She saw Lucifer's smiled faulted a bit as he stated, 

"I dont understand." Maze sighed, guess she needed to open up to get him to take her home. 

"It's all so complicated here, Lucifer. I mean, caring about humans always goes wrong. Feelings suck. I am not the one who's supposed to be tortured." Lucifer smiled sympathetically, 

"You're the one who does the torturing." 

"Yes," Maze was crying. She wasn't sure how as she hadn't authorized tear flow, but it was just Lucifer. He'd seen her in worse positions. 

"Please," she begged, "just take me home." Maze let out a breathe she hadn't realized she'd been holding, but quickly put her guard back up at Lucifer's next words. 

"I cant, and not just because of the possible repercussions with dad, I-" Maze just looked at him, not sure where he was going with this, suddenly he brought his hand up to cup her face, using his thumb to dry her tears, "I can't loose you, Maze." Her walls broke and a storm of messy tears clouded her vision. 

Lucifer pulled his hand back and sat down on the piano bench, "Do you remember when Lilith dropped you off in Hell?" Lucifer thought back, he'd been confused when Lilith had shown up with a toddler, barely walking and talking. "She dropped you in my lap without a word and left. I was going to send you off with your siblings, but I couldn't. Something about you was different. Special. Since then, you've been my-" Lucifer paused and Maze cocked her head at him, why was he bringing up the memories she'd tried so hard to forget, 

"My best friend, Mazikeen. I can't loose you. Loose us. If you really need to leave Earth, we can go back to Hell, but I don't think that's what you really want." Mazikeen shook her head. He choose her. Put her first, before Chloe, before himself. She hadn't expected that. Lucifer stood, he looked like he was going to continue, but she walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. She'd done that in Hell too. Just once. Right after Lilith dropped her. She'd been covered with little cuts from terrorizing Earth. Of course, there were no humans then. Lucifer had taken her into his quarters, cleaned and bandaged her cuts. She felt now like she had then. Lost and alone, not sure why he was being nice to her, but grateful none the less. She loved him. He was her best friend and if he was going to put her first, she was going to put him first. 

Lucifer wrapped his arms around Maze. He smiled, unknowingly remembering exactly what she was, the only other time she'd hugged him. He waited until she pulled away and once again wiped the tears from her face. "Oh Mazie," he hadn't called her that since she learned to throw knives, 

"humans and emotions. Yes, they suck, but we can't run away from them. They've made you a better person, demon, you've always been...good. Don't throw that away just because it hurts." 

Maze nodded, she kind of wanted to hug him again, but she knew their boundaries. "Thank you, Lucifer." He cocked his head at her, confused, "For being my friend, even when you were my king."

 Lucifer smiled, "No need to thank me, Mazikeen. Just stay. Please?" Maze nodded. Lucifer lifted his cup, collecting himself, "Cheers, to another day on earth." She smiled, 


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