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Chloe watched as Lucifer walked away from her. Not to go to Hell or to save the world, but because there was a girl waiting for him. A Brittany 2.0. You know what I'm talking about. Big boobs, blonde hair, nice butt, every guys dream right? One look a the other girl and he had left her. Just walked away without a word. Chloe couldn't move, couldn't talk, couldn't cry, she just stood there and watched as the love her life left her for someone else.

She woke with a start and rolled over. There was Lucifer, as always. They'd barely spent one night in different beds since they'd started dating. His hair was tousled and without product, it curled, framing his delicate face. Chiseled jaw with the smallest bit of stubble, defined nose, sturdy cheek bones, long lashes fluttering slightly in a dream. That awful feeing in her gut, the one that came from watching him chose someone else. She now realized that just have been how he'd felt when she'd chosen Peirce. At the time the way he acted seemed odd, radical, designed to hurt her. Chloe hated this feeling and it had only been a minute of fantasy. She had made him feel like for months.

Chloe reached up and lightly traced the bones in his face, first his jaw, then cheeks and nose, working her way up to his hair line where the soft curls met her fingers. Lucifer grumbled and she pulled her hand back slightly. His eyes fluttered open and a smile played across his lips.

Then he noticed her expression. He wiped her tears away, not having to ask what was wrong because she was already telling him.
"I'm sorry, Lucifer"
"Why?" His voice was quiet and came from deep in his throat, but not in a violent way.
"For what happened with Ma- Cain."
"Don't blame yourself, Chloe. I should've been there for you and I wasn't. You found someone who you thought could be."
"Lucifer, you can't keep doing that." Lucifer was throughly confused, what could he have possibly done.
"You can't keep downplaying how you feel and taking blame for everything." Luci just looked at her, not sure how to respond. Chloe continued,
"I had a dream you chose someone else and that feeling. It really sucked and I only dreamed it. You lived it because of my choices and I'm sorry." Lucifer smiled sadly and they exchanged I love yous like singing a song they'd both memorized so long ago, it felt like they'd always known it. After a small kiss Lucifer pulled her to his chest and, when he saw sure she was asleep, he whispered, "I am nothing without you, Chloe Jane Decker." She smiled to herself and drifted off to sleep.

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