Part ??

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Chloe was once again in the penthouse. She'd been going up to Lucifer's home way too often since he had left. Using it as place to think, a place to cry, and sometimes a place to sit on the floor and stare in silence. Now though, she was exploring the library. She'd found the original Hamlet, signed by Shakespeare and so many other priceless books. One caught her eye though. 

It was a small leather-bound journal. There was a lock on the clasp, but it was closed around just one side. She opened it carefully in case it was hundreds of years old like many of the books lining Lucifer's shelfs. Instead of finding a story, she found Lucifer's neat handwriting spreading across the page in perfect lines. The first page read: 

Humans are funny. I've been studying one in particular, the detective  I've noticed things about her because she doesn't act different around me. My powers don't effect her. Here is a list of my observations. 

1. Chloe says 'ow' even if she hasn't been hurt. It's just a thing she says when she thinks she may have been hurt, but isn't sure yet. Despite this knowledge, I still feel overwhelmed by protectiveness every time she says it. 

2. She collect little pretty things. I saw her pocket a bottle cap, a shiny rock, and a pretty seashell. Oh, what I would give to know why. 

3. Chloe isn't a good swimmer, but she loves water. She can't hold her breath that long, but she loves to splash and play with the sand. I must take her to the beach more often. 

4. Chloe is very clever. She sees things other humans dont and she is very good at understanding people. 

5. Her face falls ever so slightly every time she sees a body. Each crime scene breaks her heart a little, although she seems too stubborn to admit it. 

6. She can't walk away from any creature in distress. She always tries to help, even at her own risk. Chloe is a deeply compassionate creature. 

7. If Chloe hears a particularly catchy sound or tune, she will mimic it, even to the point where she gets annoyed with herself. I know her annoyed face well enough to recognize this. 

8. She loves treats. She saves her favorites (pop tarts, popsicles, chocolate) for a later date, when  she is in need of comfort to reassurance. 

9. She is hopelessly devoted to her child. Even when the child cries and breaks the rules she gives to it, she still tries to keep it happy, heathy, and even reads her bedtime stories. 

10. Chloe does voice when she reads out loud. 

11. She has dimples. The right one is more prominent than the left. 

The list went on like that through almost the whole book. 1,206 observations, all about her and then something else. Scrawled on the inside of the back cover was five words: 

"I think I love her"  

She just stood there, staring at the leather journal, letting herself hope,

"He loves me?" She whispered to herself. 

"Yes, yes I do." Chloe jumped, her gun drawn and pointed at the direction of the noise. Lucifer smirked, putting his hands in the air. 

"My apologies, Detective. I didn't mean to startle you." She almost threw her gun as she ran to wrap him in a hug. He lifted her as she moved up to hug him and he spun her around. When he set her down, he gave her a small smile. 

"I fell in love at first sight with that smile and I can't quite describe how it feels. Inside my mind,  you are all I desire, but I can't seem to get through to you. And I haven't felt so alive, trapped inside of my mind and I don't want to go. I can't figure out what to do. I've fallen for your imperfections. I count the days when you're not here. Is this love?  I've spend the last five years trying to figure it out, but I'm still left with doubts and they won't disappear. The truth is, it's clear. I love you." 

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