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a/n this is gonna be a short one but it's midnight and I had a thought so here you go.

Chloe was still up. She'd gone to bed hours ago, but for some reason she couldn't sleep. If Lucifer was laying next to her, sleeping almost silently. His breathing was steady and solid. He was facing away from her and she'd taken the opportunity to admire his back. Backs are a pretty dull compared to the other parts of the body, but Chloe was entranced. He had faint outlines of scars where he'd cut off his wings all those years ago, but they were almost invisible. He had wings again, after all. 

Lucifer woke up softly. He felt Chloe's fingers tracing his spine. He would've let her continue but she was getting awfully close to the points that would trigger his wings and he'd rather not accidentally blow her off the bed, no pun intended. He rolled over. 

"Why are you awake, my love?" His voice came from deep in his throat, it sounded scrawnier than normal and slightly slurred. Chloe smiled, he was looking up at her though his dark lashes, his hair was slightly amiss, falling into his face. She brushed away the offending strands, 

"No reason, just thinking," she said quietly. He leaned into her touch like a cat and hmmed, signally for her to elaborate. 

"What was your name?" Chloe asked the question without meaning to, but taking it back meant no answer and she wasn't willing to lose that. 

"My name?" His voice was quiet but the genuine confusion rang through, 

"Before you were kicked out. You said once that you had a different name." She felt Lucifer look at her but didn't dare look back. That was a name he hated. It held so much pain, so much suffering. Lucifer felt all his muscles tighten in protest and his voice came out as a whisper, barely audible, 


It was just a single word, but it held so much meaning. Lucifer hadn't uttered that name since he'd been cast out, hadn't thought of himself like that since then either. The name hurt to say. All he'd wanted was free will. The ability to do what he wanted, be his own person, and he'd been thrown into the fiery pits of despair for it. Not a single person had visited him. Not his mom, not his siblings. Not even the little sisters he'd spent his life protecting. He'd been completely alone and it threaten to break him, but he'd taken that. The pain, the loneliness, the betrayal and he used it make himself stronger. He pulled himself up, dusted himself off, and emerged from the flame as Lucifer. 

To Chloe the name sounded like the ending of a sad song or a book where everyone dies. Hard and sad, but worth it. She wanted to hate it, the name, the father, even the little boy who'd worn it before he'd broken, but she couldn't. Without Samael, she wouldn't have Lucifer. Then he noticed it, the tear. Just one, tracing its way down Lucifer's porcelain cheek and disappearing into the stubble. She kissed him softly. 

"Lucifer," she whispered into his mouth then pulled back to look him in the eye. She laid her head on his chest. She called his name but he didn't respond, 

"I know how breath when you're asleep, answer me." 

"Sorry love, got lost in my thoughts," he whispered, 

"What were you thinking about?" Chloe hoped he'd leave his walls down for just a little longer. 

"The worst thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies." Chloe was at a loss for words. She just reached her hand up, looking for his. Their fingers interlocked and slowly the world around them faded and their dreams took over their reality. 

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