Bleeding out

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Chloe was worried, she'd called Lucifer an hour ago and despite talking to her calmly, she'd heard fighting in the background and then he'd inhaled sharply and said "Bloody hell, Detective. Of course you're here." That had only spurred her worry, if he knew she was close, that would mean he was hurt. "Lucifer, are you okay?" She'd asked. He had soured her he was fine, then hung up. 

Chloe wasn't sure where he was, but she was outside an abandoned theater so she decided to try in there. She found Lucifer in the 2nd showing room. Three huge guys were laying in the aisles, but Chloe stepped over them, going to Lucifer first. She watched him stumble back and reach for a chair, sitting down momentarily. She approached him. 


"Detective! Hello," he greeted happily. She gave him a once over and noticed blood seeping from his side. 

"Oh my god, you're bleeding." Lucifer, being Lucifer just smirked and more strained than he intended answered, 

"Well that explains the pain." 

"On the phone you said you were fine." 

"I am fine." 

"Lucifer, you can't be fine and be injured at the same time!" 

"I wasn't injured, Detective. Just lightly stabbed." 

"I'm sorry, you were stabbed?" 

"Lightly stabbed," Lucifer corrected, "I didn't want to frighten you." 

"Lucifer, this is not the time. I'm calling an ambulance." He rolled his eyes. Chloe always insisted he go to the hospital when he was bleeding out. It was so inconvenient. 

"How about you go across the street, I heal, then I meet you over there and we go get dinner." Chloe blinked at him, 

"Did you just ask me out while you're bleeding to death." 

"Yes, so agree and go across the street before I die." Chloe kissed his forehead. 

"Only if I get to pick the place." 

"Love, I have no regard for my own life, but it seems you do, meaning you are in no place to negotiate." Chloe glared at him. 

"Fine. I love you. See you in a minute." 

"In a minute, my love." 

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