Lucifer's Jem part 3

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Lucifer woke with an oomf as a small boy rocketed into his chest. He blinked slowly, trying to make out the child who had so rudely interrupted him sleep. Hair, black as coal, curled at his temples, contrasting the light round face of the child. He was small, appearing to be around three. He had bright white wings pulled up against his back and he wore a huge, toothy, smile. It wasn't until he met the child's that Lucifer placed him. The bright blue eyes of his son looked at him with glee. 

"James?" Lucifer asked, his voice emanating from deep in his throat. 

"Daddy!" The boy exclaimed and fell forward to hug him. Lucifer hugged him back, too stunned to comprehend what was happening. Chloe stirred beside him and he blinked slowly. Chloe. So he was on Earth...and Jem was on Earth. A pang of fear hit Lucifer. HE scooped the boy up, getting out of bed carefully and quietly. 

"Can you fly?" The boy shook his head. 

"Grandpa dropped he here to be with you, Daddy. Are you happy? Did you miss me?" Lucifer paused and smiled, 

"I am overjoyed to have you back, Jamie and I missed you so much, but you remember when I told you about Trixie?" The boy nodded, 

"Well, I think your grandfather might have done something...bad to her so I need to go make sure she's alright. Does that sound okay?" James bit his lip, 

"I don't want to be alone again, please dont leave me daddy." Lucifer's brow knit together. 

"Fine, I'll carry you." Lucifer scooped him up and flew to Dans apartment building, sprinted inside and when he reached the correct door he set the boy down. He tried to keep the panic out of his voice. 

"Step back, Jamie." The child did, watching. Lucifer kicked right under to doorknob and the door swung open. Lucifer didn't see anyone. He hoped with every fiber of his being they were just asleep. He put his finger to his lips to warn his son to stay quiet and entered the apartment. He went to the hall where Trixie's room was and opened the door cautiously. Trixie was sitting at a desk on her tablet. She jumped when she saw Lucifer. 

"Lucifer? What are you doing here?" She said quietly. Se probably wasn't supposed to be on her tablet instead of sleeping at that moment. He nodded, exhaling in relief. 

"Just needed to check on you." He whispered, a smiled spread across her face. 

"I knew you liked me." Lucifer smirked, 

"Of course. Don't tell your father that I was here...your mother either." She nodded. 

"Wait...who's that?" 

"Right," Lucifer started, "this is son." Trixie's jaw dropped. 

"YOU HAVE A SON?" She practically yelled. Lucifer threw his hands up, trying to quiet her, 

"Yes, yes. Please, shh." Trixie dropped her voice, 

"That's so cool." She walked over to them. James grated Lucifer's pant leg, hiding behind him. He stepped out of the child grasp and bent down. 

"Buddy, that's Trixie. I promise, she's nice." Jem looked at him with big eyes then back at Trixie. He gave her a small smile. 

"Daddy? Is she sister?" Lucifer smiled softly, 

"You'll have to ask her," and looked at Trixie, James cleared his throat, an adult thing that made him look that much younger. 

"Trixie, will you be my sister." The other child gave him a huge smiled. 

"Only if you'll be my brother." James nodded, 

"Okay!" He ran over and hugged her. Lucifer smiled at the two. They were only five human years apart. That seemed wild to Lucifer, but he said nothing. Eventually the tow broke apart. Trixie wanted to show him around her room and her dad whole apartment, but Lucifer and Jem had to get back to the penthouse before the detective woke up. 

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