Sick Chloe

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A/N Thanks for the request @/Sxarletwidow3014 I hope this is what you wanted :)

Lucifer woke up with at start. Surprisingly, he was alone. For a moment he panicked, thinking something happened to the detective, but then a noise echoed from the bathroom. He relaxed for a moment, but then the noise happened again. It was oddly familiar to him, but in his sleep deprived state he couldn't place it. 

Lucifer knocked on the bathroom door, "Detective? Are you alright?" He made an effort not to call her detective when they weren't at work, but still slipped up sometimes. 

"I'm fine, Lucifer. Go back to bed." The noise came again, 

"What are you doing in there?" 

"I'm having a tea party," she said sarcastically, "what do you think I'm doing?" Chloe was being sarcastic, but Lucifer was, well, Lucifer. 

"I don't know what you're doing, that's why I asked. Are you alright?" Just then, Lucifer placed the noise, vomiting. He reached for the door handle. 

"No," her words stopped him in his tracks, "don't come in here." 

"Why not?" Chloe didn't answer so Lucifer opened the door. She turned and glared at him. Her face was red and splotchy, her eyes hollow and tears streaked down her face, although she wasn't crying. Another bought of illness rocked through Chloe's body, leaving her emptying what was left in her stomach into the toilet. 

Lucifer noticed her hair fall forward and gently pulled it back. She looked at him questioningly, but he didn't notice. He was searching for a hair tie. 

"Middle drawer," she mumbled and sure enough, that's where he found what he was looking for. As lightly as he could, Lucifer tied her hair into a loose, low, pony. He would never admit it, but he was terrified. He'd never dealt with a sick human before, except when Chloe had been poisoned. He was pretty sure that's not what was happening now, but he couldn't be sure. 

"Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but what is going on? Have you been poisoned or do have a human illness?" Chloe was too tired to roll her eyes, 

"It's just the flu, not a big deal." Lucifer's eyes went wide, he remembered the influenza pandemic. All the humans locked themselves in their houses and they either starved or the illness killed them. 

"Not a big deal? Do you know how many people died during that pandemic? I thought your human doctors got rid of that." Chloe shook her head and assured him the flu wasn't a big deal, not anymore, anyways. That didn't mean he wasn't worried. She'd said the poison wasn't a big deal either, but if she wanted to wait it out at home, he would make sure she was taken care of. 

Lucifer was pulled out of his thoughts as Chloe leaned back against him. Letting him hold her up. Her eyes closed slowly, falling asleep. Lucifer scooped her up and carried her to the bed. After setting her down lightly, he went to retrieve a garbage can incase she needed to throw up again. He sat at the foot of her bed, watching her, not sure what else to do. 

Chloe woke up in her bed. She was pretty sure she had been in the bathroom last time she was conscious. She tried to sit up but her stomach heaved. She leaned over and was ever grateful for the garbage can that had been placed by her bed. She blinked a few times. Her room was oddly clean. Lucifer had slept over, or at least he'd been there earlier that evening. There should be clothes scattered on the floor she was pretty sure they'd knocked some things over. Chloe's scan of the room was interrupted by the man asleep on a kitchen chair. She smiled, recognizing him right away. 

'Shit' she thought, 'he must have caught me vomiting'. She wasn't sure why her cheeks flushed at that thought. After all, she'd had the flu before and it wasn't like he hadn't seen her in worse shape. Then again, things were different now. They were...something. He was more than just her partner and her friend. The word boyfriend didn't seem like enough but she supposed that was where they were. Chloes head spun and she laid back down. She must have a noise because before she knew it, Lucifer was next to her. 

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