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\\ 5b last episode, sorry this is short. My laptop broke so Im trying out a tablet and I haven't gotten the hang of it yet.

Chloe was pretty sure she'd just had the longest day in the history of all days. First of all, she hadn't gotten any sleep because Trixie had been too upset to sleep alone and had crawled into her bed and cried well into the night. She was taking Dan's death really hard. They all were, especially now that Chloe knew he was in Hell. After that she'd fought a bunch of angels. Talk about not getting along with your in-laws. Then, she had been killed by a staff made out of the tree of life. That wasn't the end of her day though. Chloe had gotten to see her father in Heaven, which was wonderful but then Lucifer had shown up. Then he had died to save her. They'd even had the same dying words, 'I love you,' that's right, her boyfriend had told her he loved her for the first time, then exploded into light. Still not the end of her day. Chloe had come to back on earth, fought through the pain and blood loss to fight Michael with super strength from a tiny metal stick and right before she could kill the reason Lucifer was dead, Lucifer had come back. Day still not over. The man Chloe loved had been officially accepted as the new God. When he finally sent the angels back to their duties and the remaining demons to Hell, he'd had a chance to check in with her.

"Are you alright, Chloe?" They had literally just watched each other die, the nickname felt too small of this moment. Chloe nodded and stepped towards him,
"Are you?" He nodded,
"As long as you are, my love. May I?" He gestured towards the large blood stain on her shirt and she allowed him to lift it up. Lucifer visibly relaxed when there was no sign of the wound. Now it was Chloe's turn. She reached out and ran her hands over his skin, it was no warmer then normal. No sign of the fire like light that had incinerated him. Chloe relaxed just as Lucifer had. He pulled her towards his chest and held her tight.

They stayed like that for a long time, when they finally did pull away, neither could bare to break contact. They kept their fingers intertwined as they walked towards Lucifers 's car. Maze leaning against it, waiting for them.
"So, Decker, how was dying?"
"Not great, Maze. Thanks for asking." Her gratitude was sarcastic of course but Lucifer knew that the only way Mazikeen knew how too deal with emotions was humor.
"What, you're not going to ask me?" Chloe tensed and Lucifer snaked his arm around her waist to comfort her. Maze chuckled dryly,
"You die like once a year Lucifer, for Gods sake." Lucifer raised an eyebrow and Maze chuckled for real, "For your sake." Eve walked up to the car then and the conversation stopped as Maze turned to speak to her girlfriend. Chloe took this opportunity to ask Lucifer about something Maze had said.
"What did she mean, you die all the time." Lucifer bit his lip,
"Nothing important." Lucifers new omni-awareness would have allowed him to know her thoughts, but as it had just come in, he was having a hard enough time picking his own thoughts out of the chaos. He didn't need it to know Chloe was going to press though, so he sugar coated the truth as much as he could.
"I've just died before today, is all." Chloe's inner voice screamed above all others in his head and he picked out her next question.
"Must I elaborate now? It's awful loud in my head at the moment." Chloe looked up at him and he sighed,
"Off the top of my head, I died when Malcolm shot me, then again when you were poisoned, both times I went to Hell." Chloe just stared at him in shock, he gave her a small smile.
"Shall we go to your apartment before we get Trixie?"
"Um, sure, but Tricks doesn't need picked up until tomorrow." Lucifer nodded,
"I'm not exactly sure how this omnipresent thing works, but she is very loudly praying to be at home." Chloe nodded,
"Alright, I should change before we see her than." Lucifer felt her suddenly get worried,
"Detective, what is it? What made you worry?" She blinked,
"I uh...nothing," she said out loud, but she also thought the issue and Lucifer happened to catch it,
"I'll stay with you until you tell me to go. I might not even leave then." 

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