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I started re-watching Camp Camp and OH MY GOODNESS I WROTE HARRISON O.O.C. FOR SO LONG AHHHHHHHH!! O.O.C. means out-of-character for those who don't know.

Don't worry! I'll try my best to stop.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I get over being flustered and sit up. Harrison starts to eat his food. He looks over to me, "Y/N, aren't you going to eat?".

"I'm fine."

Harrison grumbles and asks, "Are you sure? I think the dinner's fine."

"Really. I'm not hungry."


He adds, "Can you at least have one bite of food?".



"No thank you."

Harrison starts to have a look of frustration and concern. I tell him, "I'm fine, really. I don't want to eat."

"Not even one bite? I'm sure you're at least somewhat hungry."

I groan and get up. I walk to the back of the room to get my dinner. I get back and Harrison contently sighs as I eat the mashed potatoes and deli meat. It was actually not bad. I wolf down the rest of it and chugged some water. I go back for seconds and I finish that quickly as well.

"Thank you," Harrison says to me.

I smile and tell him, "I need to go to the restroom real quick. I'll meet you back at the tent."

"Okay," He responds.

I go out back to the port-a-potty. I come out, leaving it smelling like bile and sandwich meat. 

I stagger to our tent dehydrated and tired. I step up the ladder into my bed. I hear Harrison whisper, "Are you okay Y/N?".

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?".

"I just think that what you did back there was weird. Do you mind talking about it?".

"I just didn't want to eat."

"But why did you eat seconds then?".

"Look. I just."

I search for words. Words that would help him understand. Understand that I need to figure this out myself. If I need help, I am weak. I repeat, "I just."

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me yet. I understand."

I inform him, "It's not you. It's me. I just don't wanna talk at all right now."

He replies, "It's fine Y/N. Just get some sleep."


I rest my head onto my pillow and stare and the ceiling. I lied. I would love nothing more than to talk about it. I want to tell him everything and I want him to help me. But how would he help? Would he even understand? I want so badly to just talk, but he can't help me anyway. I need to figure this out on my own. I can't just let someone take the helm for me.

Silent tears run down my face as soft whimpers left my mouth. I look at the top of the tent with watery eyes and a brain that can't shut up. I eventually close my eyes and nod off to sleep.

My sleep was dreamless. I just slept in a black void of uneasy darkness. I slowly flutter my eyes open as I hear, "Y/N? Are you okay?".

I turn my head and see Harrison next to my bed standing on a ladder rung. I nod, "mhm."

"I-i'm just asking because of the tear marks on your face. I heard some noise up her and started to get worried."

I feel my face, which was still a bit wet. I wipe it off with my shirt. "I'm fine. Just a bad dream."

Another lie.

"Oh okay. Do you wanna talk about the dream?".

"I can't remember it," I shrug.


He started climbing down the ladder. I ask, "Can you tell me what it was like in the hat?".

I just wanna hear someone talk. I don't wanna fall asleep in silence again. He tells me, "uhm. Okay! I forgot to clean it out, so there were some rabbits and doves that I had to get rid of. It was actually pretty nice overall though!".

"Are you the only one who can go into your hat?".

"Uhmm. I'm don't know. No one's ever tried it before."

"Can I try tomorrow?".

"Sure! That sounds like it'd be fun to see!".

"How much space would you say it has?".

"Hmm. It's pretty good. I usually lose a lot of my stuff in there. It has enough to fit at least me, you, and two other people."

I yawn, "Hmm. Can't wait for tomorrow!".

I begin to doze off once more. This time, I had some hope. I can tell him later. I'll tell him when the time comes.

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