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Max's P.O.V.

I step on a twig, which let out a *crack* when I put my foot down. "Shit(!)".

I slip away into the darkness. Hopefully, she did not see me. I walk over to the lake and filled a bottle with the water and oil mix.

I sneak back to Neil and I's tent. "Neil(!)" I whisper shout.

He chucks his head up and towards me, "Wha-? It's a little early. I'm gonna go back to sleep."

I pull out a bottle of cold lake water. "AH! MAX!" Neil whines.

"Wake up."

"What do you possibly need to tell me this early in the morning, Max?!".

"So you know you we can see silhouettes of people from outside our tent, right?".

"Yeah? Your point is?".

"Questions for later," I retort.

Continuing, I tell him my findings, "So turns out, Y/N and Harrison sleep in the same bed. Also, Y/N wakes up super early and has an at least decent sense of hearing."

"Max, it's really early. Can I go to bed? We'll talk about this when I'm not tired."

I groan, "Come on Neil! You made a promise! For every piece of info I found about Y/N that you didn't know, you would give me candy!".

"Yeah, well. I'll give you candy for what you've shown me here and before, but stop spying on her. I stopped being interested after I realized you can't get a magician to like science."

I stood there, "Dammit Neil. I really thought I was gonna make some constant income. Then I would finally have something stable in my life. "

I hopped back into bed and stared at the bed over me. Geez. He sure moves on fast. I stare up at the ceiling until it was time for us to start our day.

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