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Y/N's P.O.V.

We stay like this for a good amount of time. I just rest my head on his leg while he sat on the stage. I'm not sure how much time passed, but it must've been a while. I hear a group of people walk past the camp a little while away. I get off of Harrison to stretch my arms and legs. Harrison gets up and does the same. He helps pull me up and we start to walk to the cafeteria, where we were served our 'meal'.

I stab my slab of sludge with a flimsy, plastic fork before deciding that food was not necessary for the human body. But my stomach growled. I hadn't eaten much lately, but I knew that I couldn't just cut food from my diet entirely.

I muster up my courage and take a bite out of the slop on my plate. It tasted like if shit, toilet water, and metal shards had a threesome and this was the outcome. I find the ability to swallow the stuff and try my hardest to not immediately barf.

I continue to endure the disgusting, rotten, sludgy food that was my breakfast. I was able to get used to the taste. It was just the texture that I couldn't get over. It felt as though someone had grabbed some whole shrimp, and tore it apart. Then strung the pieces together with pipe cleaners.

Harrison sat down next to me. He had a cereal bar in his hand. I look at him. He looks at me, then at my food. I put a forkful of sludge in my mouth. Harrison hops up to his feet and stares at me as though I had just committed a war crime. His face held sympathy as he gazed at me and my food. He yells at me with fear lacing his tone, "Y/N! Don't eat that, you're gonna get sick!".

I spit out my breakfast, then the rest just came out on its own. I won't gross you out with the details, but it smelled horrible, tasted painful, and looked better coming out than it did going in. Harrison steps over behind me and tries to pick me up. He quickly gives up and asks me breathlessly with large gasps of air between words, "Can you get up?".

I get up to my feet, which was a big mistake. I began to feel woozy. My vision became blurry and everything seemed to move in slow motion. I swayed forth and back, my arms swung by my sides like large weights were attached to them. My head felt light and felt like it was spinning, staying still, and being shaken around all at the same time.

I fell forward as I lost my balance. I catch myself by gripping the table with one hand and my right knee with my right hand. My breakfast, and what little dinner I had yesterday, poured out of my mouth onto the ground once more. My head began to feel floaty again as everything faded to black. A loud thump ensured that I wasn't gonna get up soon.

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