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I forgot to mention this, but bold words in italics are meant to be exaggerated. I loathe him!

Warning: Major Dad Joke

Y/N's P.O.V.

It only took a few minutes. It wasn't much, well, to me at least. Just scattered cards, a hand saw, a bag of clothes, and. Wait. I look at the saw to see Harrison quickly shoving it into his hat, turning the hat upside down, and tapping the top of it a few times, making it disappear.

I squint at him as he puts his hat back on. I stare at his eyes. No words were spoken. The olive-green-eyed boy puts his hat on the foot of his bed. I broke the silence, "I saw that."

I start laughing as I fall to the floor. My cackles of silliness filled the tent. I'm gonna be the funny one!

I eventually get up after laughing at my own joke. I look up at the top bunk. I would be sleeping on it for the rest of the summer. How did they fit a bunk bed in this tiny tent? I question this camp as a whole as I climb up to the top.

I hang the sack on the bottom-left portion of my bed frame and tossed my backpack to the foot of my bed. I put my clothes below me onto the bed mattress, scared that I would have to sleep on sheets I've never seen before.

I prepared for Science Camp, so I didn't expect to have to bring a sleeping bag or bed sheets. I snuggle into my clothes and sleep on top of the sheets. I fall asleep to the sound of the gentle breeze outside. Today was great.

Harrison's P.O.V.

I clean up with Y/N, and I see my hand saw. That would seem pretty suspicious if she saw that... She saw it. I quickly pick it up and shove it into my hat to make it disappear.

I look at Y/N to see that she saw me! Whoops. I give her a nervous smile as I put my hat back on. She looks at me with squinted eyes as she says, "I saw that."

Y/N falls to the floor laughing. I give out a few chuckles, but nothing near her level.

I let out a breath of relief and smile. Y/N said that my smile looked like a frog's, but she probably meant it as a joke. I change into my pajamas and hop into my bed.

This was a fun Saturday. I slowly fall asleep to the sound of the wind outside.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I think he's asleep now. I reach over to my backpack and pull it over to me. I didn't want to be asked questions about checking my own bag. To be honest, I wasn't paying attention to what I packed. I just kinda tossed a bunch of stuff I thought I'd need a week before I left to come here.

I look at the content with my phone flashlight. Wow, I packed a lot more stuff than I thought. There were a couple of books, a plushie, and a printed script I made shoved in a folder.

Why did I put all of this in here? I shrug and start reading one of the books I packed. A Midnight Summer's Dream by William Shakespeare. Why this book Past Me? I shrug and don't look at the other book as I start reading. I pass out around the moment where Demetris was introduced. I am really tired.

Neil's P.O.V.

What did I do wrong? Y/N didn't even talk to me! She went straight to Harrison for Christ's sake! The stupid 'magical' kid that only knows how to do his stupid 'tricks'. Magic isn't even real!

I stare up to the tent's roof in anger. I hop out of bed and pull out the chalkboard. I had to figure out why this happened. Why did a fellow science-lover decide to talk to the least-liked kid here? And out of all people she could've ditched me for, the 'magic' kid?

I grab a piece of chalk and start calculating how this was physically possible.

Okay. She came over to Camp, saw me, never talked to me, saw the Science Camp, hated it, saw the Magic Camp, went there instead, and never talked to me the whole time. What did I do wrong?!

I start to write down calculations and notes about what I was able to gather. The dots started to slowly be pieced together. It all made sense. Realizing this made me furious, but I questioned my hypothesis. Why would she sign up for the Science Camp if she didn't like Science? It makes no sense! Did her parents force her into it? Wait.

Forced into Camp Cambell? "Max?" I squeak with my shitty, cracky voice.

Most of it was because it was late, the rest was just me. Max woke up. "Wha-".

"Your parents signed you up for Camp, forcing you into this shithole right?".

"Y-yeah? Why?".

"I need your help."

I knew that since Max was able to relate to Y/N, he can probably make her see the light of science by befriending her, getting her near me so I can talk to her and she'll like science. I'm usually not this manipulative, but I guess Max was starting to rub off on me.

"What do you need help with so late at night?".

I go over to him and tell him my plan. He asks, "And if it fails? Which it will. Horribly."

"How could my plan possibly fail?".

"Because you're terrible at planning and it's 11 in the night."

"Fair point, here's plan 'B'."

I give him a backup plan, and he asked, "If I agree, will you let me sleep?".


"Fine, I'll do your stupid scheme."

I feel satisfied as I climb up to the top bunk and try to go to sleep, but my hopes started to get it the way.

If this plan works, I'll finally have a lab assistant! No one really wants to help me with my experiments. Except for the platypus, but that's an animal. What type of science would she like? Chemistry, biology, physics?

I save all of my questions for tomorrow as I close my eyes and sleep soundly.

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