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Sorry I'm not uploading as much as usual. I'm trying to learn 3D-modeling on Blender, which is very time-consuming. Not to mention that I'm also learning German on Duolingo, which is also taking up some of my time. I'm probably only gonna post when I have a proper chapter set up. For now, here's a shorter little chapter.

Again, sorry for the wait.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I walk up to the performance area and go backstage. Harrison isn't there. He's not practicing magic. He lied.

He lied to me.

I walk out from backstage and see Nerris on a cardboard castle. I jog to her and yell, "Hi Nerris!".

I just want to not think about it right now, I'll see him at dinner.

The red-headed girl peers over the edge and greets me, "Hello Y/N! You're just in time. Do you wanna roleplay with me?".

I shrug and answer, "Uh. Sure!".

She squeaks in glee and quickly trots down the stairs to talk to me at eye-level. She asks me on her way down, "What do you wanna be? I call being the mage!".


I  think for a moment, trying to come up with something. "I'll be a warrior!".

"Great!" She tells me as she steps up towards me.

"Let us go on a quest!".

I agree, "Yeah!".

 She takes the lead as I walk behind. She notes, "Y/N! Knights don't walk behind the mage."

"Uhh. Right."

I walk up. "So. Where to?".

"Ooo! Let's go to Sleepy Peak!".

"Ok! Let's go!".

We began to march forwards. The forest surrounded us as the mountain grew closer. This is a good time waster. 

We trek about the fields and roleplay. I pretended to fight monsters while she threw glitter in my general direction. I soon forget all about Harrison. Once it became dinner time, we were hungry. Playing around for so long was both fun and exhausting.

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