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I don't know how to write Nerris's lisp, so I'll just leave it for you guys to infer!

Sorry this one's super late! My mum wanted me to go to a family potluck.

Y/N's P.O.V.

His eyes gleam with gaiety as he speaks with confidence, "That is I. Preston Goodplay! How may I assist a fair maiden like thou?".

Fair Maiden? Thou? I stumble for words as I take in his odd dialect.

"Uhh. I was just asking my friend over here who you were. Your outfit made me wonder how I didn't notice you before."

Preston looks at me with wide eyes and gives me a cocky look. He looks at Harrison, then back at me. He does this a couple more times as a smile forms on his face. He yells with a hint of laughter in his voice, "Well. I can see how you don't notice me when you're staring deeply in your lover's eyes instead!".

This catches everyone's attention. I pout at Preston's remark, but it was true. Harrison's eyes are captivating! Harrison looks at me. I can feel myself blushing, looking like a red tomato.

Preston decides to stand next to me while everyone goes back to complaining about being up so early. I am this close to passing out on Harrison's shoulder. I am too tired for this. A flaming arrow flies into a small pile of wood, starting a small fire shut us all up quickly.

Counselor David orders our attention. "Camp Campbell campers!".

We look at him. Why is he dressed as a Native American? He holds his hand up as stoically says, "Hau."

I stare at him confused. I'm sure everyone did the same. I look over to Max as he pinches the bridge of his nose and asks, "Why?".

"I am sure you must be wondering who we are! But have no fear, I-".

Max cuts him off rudely, "David, what the fuck are you doing?".

David continues, "I am not David! Though, if he were here, he'd tell you to mind your language."

I start losing my attention as David talks. I stopped listening entirely when he said that he was 'Cheif Squatting Bear'. He tells us that he is an Indian chief, but I know he means as in a Native American. Like the Aztecs or the Cherokees.

David then proceeds with a war cry. Max remarks, sounding kind of offended, "Wow, that is racist!".

I get bored and miss a bit of what David says. Harrison whines, "Do we have to?".

David replies with a no, but then quickly changes his answer, and said it was mandatory. We were told that we could prove our worth and that whoever was the best would get the 'Ultimate Prize'. Everyone got pumped after hearing that, huh?

I'm not though. These competitions are just excuses to get everyone to suck up to authority, which is a pretty asshole move, to be honest.

The only ones that don't go ape-shit crazy after realizing they have to be nice were Max, me, Harrison, and a couple of other people I don't know the names of.

I look around and go over to one of the girls. She has a lanky build and is wearing a navy blue, pointy hat, a cape of the same color, and big round glasses. She clearly likes D&D. Her hair was shaved on the sides, with fluffy, dark red hair unshaved at the top.

I greet her with a chill expression, "Hi! I'm kinda new here. I showed up yesterday. I'm Y/N! What's your name?".

The girl turns her head to her left to look at me. She gives me a big, happy smile as she says, "Uhh. Hi Y/N! I am Nerris the Cute! Sourceress of Camp Campbell!"

I note her braces and lisp due to them as I speak, "Hi Nerris! Which camp are you a part of?".

She gives me a bright grin as she speaks boldly, "I'm part of the Magic Camp!".

What what? "I thought Harrison was in the Magic Camp?".

She looks me in the eyes as she grows a frown. "Harrison's part of the stupid Magic Camp for magicians!" She sounds slightly agitated as she continues, "I'm part of the real Magic Camp for L.A.R.P.ers!".

Wow. I already don't like her. "Do you not like Harrison?".

"Harrison's future is to perform magic tricks on the street."

I don't want to start an argument, so I just nod my head as I speak, "O-kay?".

She starts to rant about how Harrison always steals the spotlight and is a horrible person. Her words went in one ear and out the other. I tell her after a few minutes of listening to her, "Hey, I need to go look at the new rules for this little competition. Wanna come?".

"Yeah, sure!".

I have gained the trust of another fellow camper, even if I don't like them. We walk to the counselors' cabin, as did everyone else. We read the rules, which basically was, 'Be A Decent Human Being'.

I need to sleep. I look around to try and find Harrison. Nerris asks, "Are you looking for someone?".

"Yeah," I tiredly respond.

"Who is it?".

I know that if I tell the truth, she will flip. I don't wanna be a liar though. I tell her, "Harrison."

"What?! Why?! Is it so you and I can annihilate him once and for all?".

I can't help but chuckle. "No. I'm gonna pass out soon if-"

She cuts me off, "If you don't help me get revenge on him?".

I remember a lecture from a long time ago as I quote a man I once knew, "Hurting others only adds fuel to the fire. Forgiveness smothers it-"

Nerris cuts me off once again, "Yeah yeah. You sound lame."

I start dragging myself in a random direction as Nerris followed. I slowly pull my head around trying to find Harrison. I probably look like a lost puppy.

I continue walking when I hear a familiar voice call out to me, "Y/N! There you are!".

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