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F/C means Favorite Color. F/B means Favorite Book.


Sorry that it's out late! I had to go to a Robotics Meet to watch my team suck ass and be carried by actually good teams :P

Y/N's P.O.V.

I grab the note and saw a few other things. My phone, a charger, and headphones. The note read,

'ONLY USE IT IN EMERGENCIES!! We trust that you packed your own stuff. -Mom'

I smile at my mom's note, but trust is a two-way street. I put my phone back into the sack and I place it into my backpack. It found its place, so it won't be excluded from the rest. I yawn and could still smell the gasoline that had caused a huge explosion. The highway gas station smell fought against the smell of rich, calming pine needles and lake water that hung onto my sleeves. I place my head on my pillow, fluttering my eyes shut. The slight breeze rustles the tent as birds chirped in the distance. Maybe one of them isn't so bad.

I soon grow to tolerate the smell and I fall asleep.

Come the next day, I am greeted with the clean smell of the forest. The smell of gasoline has subsided, which is a relief for my nose, which is acquainted with the more organic smells thanks to this camp. I get dressed (Whichever outfit you like, it doesn't matter.) and start to climb down the ladder. About halfway through, I just jump to the ground. The illusion of adventure and rebelling against the last 3 rungs of the ladder is just what I need to start my day.

I look at Harrison, who was still sleeping. I reach up at my bag and I shove my backpack up into my hand. I play a balancing act as I bring the F/C backpack down. I use my other hand to hold onto one of the arm straps and I let go of the bottom. I pull the zippers apart and I start to search for a certain book I packed.

I specifically remember grabbing a copy of F/B and carefully placing it into my backpack. I am not going back to reading A Midnight Summer's Dream. I'd probably like it more if I understood what the characters were saying. I find my copy of F/B buried underneath the script I made and I pull out my favorite book.

I guess me rustling through papers and grumbling about books woke up Harrison. He slowly turns himself over to look at me as he tries to speak, "Y/N? Did you have another nightmare? What are you doing?".

I get up and giggle, slinging my backpack onto my shoulder. "I was just looking for this book!" I tell him, shaking my hand slightly to show off the book I had brung.

Harrison stares at me confused, but shrugs it off and goes back to sleep. I walk outside the tent, Harrison croaks out, "Where are you going?".

I can hear him shoving his blanket off. I breathe in the peaceful scent of dew lingering after last night's rainstorm. I step to the side. I tell him with a cheery, but calm voice, "I'm gonna go find a good reading place. Somewhere I can just relax and take it all in."

Harrison walks up from behind me and stands to my side. He tells me with a tried, yet happy tone, "I think I might know a place!".

Harrison takes the lead as I calmly walk beside him. The walk was relatively long, but I still liked it. Although the forest was beautiful as rainwater still dripped from the leaves, and the smell of mist and trees complimented the atmosphere around me, I still couldn't help but revert to looking back at Harrison.

His hair is unkempt, which is to be expected since we just woke up. His calm disposition and relaxed walking made me feel safe and happy.

I look to our route and I place my head on his shoulder. He caught his breath, but slowly let it go as he placed his arm on my shoulder. I sigh in content, breathing in the calming air. I wonder what Harrison's thinking about right now.

Harrison's P.O.V.


Y/N's head rests on my shoulder. My arm lays on her's. I snap myself out of my panic and try to remember how much farther we're going to have to go to get to the spot. I see the lake and sigh internally in relief. I nudge Y/N towards me as I start to change our direction. Y/N follows my directions as we make a small turn towards the Magic Camp.

We reach the Magic Camp and I bring her backstage. She sits quietly on the wooden platform, her book laid open on her lap. I walk over to her and glace at what she was reading. I ask, "What's your book called?".

"It's called F/B!".

Sit down next to her and I try to think of what to do. Y/N turns her back to me and scooches forward. I start to think about every possible thing that could be happening right now. She might have seen how boring I am and decided to leave. She might just be going to go get breakfast. It is getting near that time now.

I snap out of looking at the trees thinking about what might be happening as she lays down, her head resting on my right leg. I look at her. Her book lay open on her stomach, the cover facing up. My gaze meets hers. Her sweet smile takes my breath away. Her eyes shimmer lightly with a sense of hope that usually isn't there. Most of the time, she just stares blankly at a random direction like she's recalling a traumatic point in her life. I'm glad that she's not thinking about it now though! Her usually sad, tired eyes look beautiful with just a glimmer of happiness. She deserves happiness! I hope she knows that.

Y/N's P.O.V.

As someone who usually just deadpans at nothing, I must admit, the feeling of safety and hope feels nice. Feelings aren't my strong suit and I doubt it'll ever be, but I know that right now, I feel like I can trust Harrison. I hope he knows that my trust is not to be broken. Like the time at the lake. I hope he learned from that.

I stare into Harrison's eyes, glad to see that there isn't even a hint of malice in them.

Practice self-love everybody! One needs to do so to maintain their mental health and it helps keep people from becoming a perfectionist that smacks themself to death over every little mistake, which is not how anyone should live their life!

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