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Before you start reading, I wanna thank @BluTheWeirdo101 for letting me use her OC, Daisy, for my story! Also, Blu, if I get any of the info on her description wrong, I am so sorry. I was in a rush writing this.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I pull my head back to gaze at Harrison's tomato-red face. He tries to speak, but only a mumbled, jumbled, stuttery mess comes out of his mouth. I feel my smile gradually get bigger as I slowly realize what I just did. A fever-hot blush flared up on my face. I understand how Harrison feels now.

I quickly hide my face behind my hands as I try to rub my blushy tone off. Did I just do that?! Holy shit! I can't believe I just did something like that. I find the fact that Harrison just let me do it is also kind of unbelievable. Why would someone of his level of awesomeness let someone like me kiss him?

I sit there, in both bewilderment and childish happiness. I start to internally scream as I cram my head into his chest. His arms lay on my back as I stare at the floor. I can hear Preston and Nerris's oohing next to us.

Nerris and Preston walk up to us. Nerris tells me, "Although I don't take too kindly to the person you choose to be in an alliance with, I must admit, you two fit each other's characteristics quite well!".

Preston shouts with glee, "YOU TWO ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!!".

I calmly utter, "Aww, thanks!".

I look around, it looks like Neil left the room. That's fine. I slowly get up. My head felt a little light, but I could deal with it. My legs felt a little asleep, bu tI could deal with that as well. I walk out of the cabin with a light sensation of needles poking at my legs. I hated the feeling of it. I tried to just shake it off, but it went away on its own time while I was walking out of the building.

Harrison and the other two walked behind me while I walked. I stopped as soon as I realized I didn't know where I was going. I asked everyone, "Does anyone know what we should do? As like, a group? I wanna try to do something with all of us together!".

Preston cheered, "Oh! I heard that there would be a new camper!".

I ask, "Already? Huh."

"Yep! I heard that they're going into the Music Camp!".

Music Camp? Jesus, what does this place not have? Aside from legality and a decent quality of life for the campers.

I address this information, "Cool! Let's go be the first ones to greet them!".

I follow Preston as he leads us to where the bus dropped me off when I first became a Camp Campbell Camper. As we're walking, Nerris quickly yells out, "WAIT!!".

We stop in our tracks to look back at Nerris. She points out, "What would our group name be?".

I look at the other two, who seem to be just as confused as I am. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Every good party has a name! So what's ours?" Nerris states.

I stand there. Titles and names aren't really my thing. They put people in boxes that can be hard to leave. It hinders your potential in my opinion. But, I guess, a little group name won't hurt.

Preston starts listing off suggestions, each of which is put down by Nerris quickly afterwards. Honestly, I couldn't blame her for it. I wouldn't wanna be part of a group called, 'Preston and Friends' or 'The Goodplay Pals' either. I have to deal with Nurf enough as it is.

I ask some simple questions, "Well, what brung us all together?".

Harrison claims, "You did, actually."

I dismiss the claim, "N-no. Well-. I mean-"

I stutter, trying to find the words I meant to say. I groan before I explain, "I meant to say, what do we all have in common?".

Nerris answers, "Well, we all go to Camp Campbell!".

I clarify, "Be specific. What's something that can be used for people like us, but not too niche to where new people can't join the group."

I sum up, "Something that we can relate to, but others might as well."

We stand there in silence, only the occasional leg shift and shoulder roll back put noise in the air. After a few seconds, Harrison looks like a lightbulb lit up over his head. He declares, "Our group name should beee!"

He paused for dramatic effect. "The Outcasts!".

After a few seconds of silence, Harrison shrinks back and stutters out, "I-if that's okay with everyone."

We exchange glances at each other and nod our heads. Preston proclaims, "We are The Outcasts!".

We continue our walk to the bus stop, chatting about the new name. I tell Harrison, "Hey, good job with the name!".

He thanks me sheepishly and he jogs up to my side so we can walk together.

We get there, but the two counselors beat us there. David notices us and cheerily exclaims, "Y/N! You got better quick! You four are just in time to greet our new camper!".

Preston stands in front of the group as he informs Counselor David, "David! We now have a group name!".

David's face looks like he just saw God himself. A wide, delighted smile stretches across his face as he asks, "You all are friends now!? And I didn't have to force you to be?".

Preston replies, "Yep! We are, The Outcasts!".

Nerf yells from a distance, "Yeah you are!".

David looks instantly distraught, but recovers, "Well. At least you guys are friends."

Preston continues to speak, "The name was Harrison's idea. I'm sort of the spokesperson of the group. Y/N's the leader. Nerris is the-"

I cut him off, "Woah! Since when was I the leader?".

Preston replies, "When you befriended the three of us and brought the team together!".

I tell him, "That doesn't mean I'm the leader!".

Nerris tells me, "Uh, yeah. It kind of does! Have you never read a book?".

I sigh, "Ugh. Fine. I give up. I'm the leader, I guess."

David tells me, "It's okay Y/N! You don't have to be the leader if you don't want to!".

I pull him down to my eye level so I can whisper to him, "I know, but these three couldn't figure anything out for the life of them. Someone's gotta keep them glued together."

David gets up, only to be run over by the bus. I take the front and watch as the new camper comes out of the bus.

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