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Warning: These next few chapters will contain sad times. I can't say much, but I cried writing it.

I forgot to post this yesterday, sorry!

Y/N's P.O.V.

I get Daisy to the cafeteria and we talk. I learn that she enjoyed music and art of all kinds. I learn that she was just exhausted. She couldn't get any sleep on the 3-hour bus ride here and that's why she had her outburst. "I'm not the same without my coffee!" She said.

We giggle at the statement. It seems like such an adult thing to me, to be addicted to caffeine. I guess I'm just not mature enough to understand. She seems so capable now that she's calm. She seems like she can take anything. She seems strong. I wish I was strong.

We walk out of the cafeteria and I see Harrison standing nearby, waiting. I walk towards him, Daisy follows me.

"Hi, Harrison!" I give a soft smile as I talk.

"Hi Y/N! I was starting to wonder when you'd come back," He gives a light chuckle.

I tell Daisy, "Daisy, this is Harrison, my boyfriend! Harrison, this is Daisy, my new friend!".

Harrison and Daisy say their hellos. I ask Harrison, "So, what's up?".

He tells me, "I wanted to see if you were doing good."

"I'm doing great! How are you?".

"I'm good."

"That's good to hear!".

Harrison glances in the direction of the Magic Camp. He tells me, "I'm gonna go practice my magic now. Bye Y/N! Bye Daisy! I'll see you later!"

We wave him goodbye as he walks off. Daisy asks, "So, him being you're boyfriend is a joke, right?".

"What? Of course it isn't!".

I chuckle at the weird question, but Daisy wasn't laughing with me. I look at her. She looks concerned. She tells me, "That interaction didn't seem too sincere to me."

I stop smiling and think about it. That was pretty weird. Harrison wasn't smiling a lot like he normally does. It was only a slight, polite smile. He responded pretty promptly, too. I ensure Daisy, "Don't worry! I'm sure he's just tired too! He's probably exhausted from the full day he had!".

"What did he do?".

I stop to think. Aside from confessing his love, he didn't do much, really. It's only, like, noon. I tell her, "Not much, now that I think about it."

"Hmm. Seems pretty sus to me."

I cringe at the use of slang in such a serious conversation. I try to convince her, "He's not usually like this. He'll be normal soon! Maybe he's just not comfortable around new people!".

Daisy sighs, "Okay. I believe you."

I convince her, but I'm not sure if I convinced myself. I tell her, "I'm gonna go to the Magic Camp to talk to Harrison now."

"Okay. Hopefully, it works out! I'll try to figure out what to do with the Music Camp."

"Okay! Later Daisy!".

"Bye Y/N!".

I start to walk to Harrison. I just need to talk with him.

Neil's P.O.V. (A Few Minutes Ago)

Okay. My chance at befriending Y/N is now practically nonexistent. Maybe I should just say, "Fuck it" and give up trying to talk to her. Yeah. It sounds less stressful. I walk to the Science Camp and see Y/N walking with someone. Who's that? I turn and walk back. Maybe Max knows something about this. He usually does.

I get to our tent. Max was laying on the bottom bunk, staring up at the bed over him with permanently tired eyes. I ask him, "Hey Max, is there a new camper, or something, today?"

"Uh. Yeah, I think so. Why? Do you care or some shit? You fucked your chances up to be with a girl the last time, it won't work again."

Flustered, I correct Max, "I didn't want to get with her! I was just pissed that she liked Harrison, despite being in Science Camp."

Max scoffs and hops out of bed. He tells me, "Whatever," as he walks out.

I ask, "What do you suggest I do this time?".

"I don't know. I'm only 10. I don't have experience with girls. Except Veronica, but that was a one-night thing!".



He solemnly steps out of the tent and walks away. The fuck's Veronica? Nevermind. I need to figure out what I should do this time around. I pull out my whiteboard and start scribbling out ideas and explanations.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I pace through the uneven ground. My steps were swift and near soundless. Nurf commented, "Woah! Slow down! What? Are you running to your boyfriend? HA!".

I bluntly yell, "Yes."

I continue walk-running. I just want to talk.

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