1- Truth or dare

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Sophia's pov:

I was laying in my bed watching Emma chamberlain on YouTube when Layla my bestfriend called me, "Hi" I said, "what are you doing, I missed you todayy" I asked.

"Did you forget I told you last week that I will be busy on Thursday for my dentist appointment and also to prepare some things for the party" she answered, "ohh".

"don't tell me you're not coming" Layla asked.

"Layla I'm not in the mood today" I said, "shut up you're always not in the mood and I always end up forcing you to come, then you will say I'm glad I came I had fun" Layla said.

"But this tim .." I started but she cuts me off, "No you will come I don't care I will wait, be here at 7:30" before I could say anything else she hung up.

"Uhhh" I sigh as I get up from my bed to get ready it was already 5 and I take forever to get ready, I walk to my closet to choose an outfit and I can't find anything.

I sigh as I pick the usual ,"I don't care I will wear something comfortable, but also I know I will hate myself if everyone else was dressed nice".

I place them on my bed before going to the bathroom to take a shower, I washed my hair and body then I came out and sat on my bed.

I started watching Netflix 'gilmore girls season 1 episode 12' while getting ready, I applied some lotion then wore my clothes.

I stand in front the mirror and put some face cream on, lip balm and some mascara.

I usually don't wear makeup, only on rare days which only mean mascara it's not like I hate makeup I'm just not good at doing it and when I do I don't feel comfortable in it and it's like I'm not myself, it's just not my thing.

I curl my hair and do a middle part and spray some perfume.

I check the time and it was already 7:15 so I wore my sneakers taking my phone, I lock my apartment and got into my car and started driving,

The streets were empty so I got there in time which was weird because I'm always late, either because I started getting ready late or because I got distracted doing something else.

I got out of the car and locked it and went to the door before knocking.

Layla opened the door "hey you came" she cheered, "like you gave me any other option".

"Hi" I said as I hugged her, "I missed you" she said as she closed the door, "I missed you too" I said smiling as we walk inside.

"Wow it's not as loud as I expected" I said looking around, there was low music on the back and I don't see any people yet.

"I told you it will be small and quiet this time" Layla said, "I thought you said that to make come, because your party's always loud and crazy when Emma gets involved" I said.

"Well that's true but also I wanted everyone to enjoy this one and to get to know each other that's why" she said trying to look busy fixing the snacks that were already organised on the table.

"To know each other?" I asked, "yeah don't get mad but it's more like gathering then party" Layla said getting on the other side of the table so that she is away from me.

"LAYLA, you know I don't like to get to know new people" I shouted trying to reach her from across the table.

"I know but it will be fun I promise, please just today" she said giving me her puppy eyes which always work on me and I hate it, "Fine" I sighed.

She started to introduce me to her friends, I knew few of them but I'm not that close with them, most of the time I only get along with Layla.

I said hi to Sara, Noah and Emma before I met the new ones, Layla told me there would be only 10 people today and two called and said they can't make it, "thank god", so on total we will be only 8 which I can handle for a day.

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