10- shopping

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"Come on wake up" I felt someone shaking me, I groan burying my face more into the pillow.

"Come on we're going to get late" Layla said, "For what?" I asked confused.

"To the mall I told you yesterday we need to buy some clothes for New York" she said.

"No you told we're only getting ice cream" I complained.

"No I didn't, now get up so we can go" Layla said flopping herself on my bed opening her phone.

I went to the bathroom quickly then looked for something comfortable to wear after that I just put my hair in a low ponytail and fixed the frizzy hair with my hands and put some clips over them.

"I'm done" I tell Layla as I pull my phone off the charger, "okay let's go".

As soon as we arrived Layla started shopping I just followed her in case I find something I like, usually when we go shopping together she tells me if she saw something that I might like.

"What do you think of this?" Layla asked holding a sweater skirt, "for you? Its good" she nodded then walked to the tops section.

She suddenly stopped and looked at me "what?" I asked confused, she started giving me her puppy eyes.

"Can we buy matching outfits?" she asked me,
"No" I answered knowing she will make me wear mini skirts or short dresses.

"Come on please, we will choose long ones for you" she begged,"Uh, fine" I groan.

"Yeyy" she clapped dragging me to another section. 

After we got a few matching outfits we looked for other things before trying them.

"Okay try this" Layla said throwing something to the hole under the door,"what the fuck is this, it's see through" I said examining the top,"just try it" she said whining.

"Layla this make my nonexistent b00bs fall out, I'm not buying it" I said,"let me see" Layla said opening the door, I try to cover myself but fail miserably.

"Are you fucking me" Layla said in loud voice,
"What?" I asked getting nervous,"you look fucking sexy, we're buying it" Layla said.

"But" I tried to protest, "there's not but, now come on get dressed I'm starving" Layla said getting out.


"Do you want to eat at Cane's?" Layla asked as we walked into the food haul, "yeah I don't mind" I said, "Okay I'm ordering your usual go sit" Layla said.

I take a seat waiting for her, I don't why but sometimes eating with someone is easier for me, I still feel guilty but it's a lot easier than eating alone.

But also there's a thing like sometimes I don't feel comfortable eating around anyone, I feel ashamed for the way I eat or the amount of food I eat, so sometimes when I'm eating with someone I eat less than I want too and try to leave some food on my plate even if I'm not full yet.

Layla brought our meal and we started eating and chatting about what we can do in NYC.

"Okay after we get back I will help you put the clothes we bought in your bag and other outfits" Layla said taking a sip of her cola.

"No you know I don't like to wear new clothes unless I wash them first".

"I will tell you what to bring then you can wash them today as we pack the other stuff" she told me, "Fine" I give up.

"Wait do you know what's today's date?" I asked her remembering, "yeah August 2nd" she answered.

"So aren't you supposed to be celebrating jasmine's birthday?" I asked, "we already did in the morning with my dad and Adam" Layla answered.

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