13- Nightmare

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"Sophia ,...Sophia it's okay, you're safe please breathe" Layla whispered pulling me out of my thought, well my memory, I shake my head hoping to hide my teary eyes.

"Why she is shaking?" Ruby asked, "I'm sorry I didn't think she would get scared" Emma apologised.

Layla caressed my face in her hands looking at me in the eyes, "are you okay?" She asked.

I couldn't talk my mind kept getting back to that day, She gave me a tight hug before saying something to Ruby making her nod quickly, she looked confused and concerned in the same time.

"I don't understand why she is overreacting, she just pushed her head in the water for a second" Chloe said rolling her eyes.

"Noah you better make her shut up before I do" Layla warned him making Chloe gasp lightly.

Ruby came closer to me taking my hand in hers, at this point the in water was only reaching up my stomach and we were almost out of the water, I don't remember how we got this close to the sand.

Ruby took my towel from Liam and wrapped it around me before holding my hand again.

"Come on let's get you to your room" Layla said getting on my other side.

As we walked in the room Ruby quickly removed the bag on the couch making a place to sit.

"Okay I will take your things to my room so you can stay with me" Layla said walking around.

Ruby stood in front of me not knowing what to do.

"Layla" I called her catching her attention, "yes, don't worry I will move your stuff quickly" she answered.

"I don't want to change rooms I'm fine" I finally spoke.

"Are you sure?" she asked looking at me, "Yeah,...I need to go to the bathroom" I said getting up.

As soon as I closed the bathroom door I broke down, all the tears that I was holding falling down, I quickly place my hand over my mouth not wanting to make any sound.

"Why now? I was doing okay it's been months since I last thought about it, every time I think I'm over it something happens making me go all over again, it seems that no matter how hard I try to escape him I can't".

I took deep breaths before washing my face, I dry my face making sure my eyes are not red.

I hear someone knock on the bedroom door I'm not sure who.

"What happened, why did she get in this state?" I hear Ruby ask quietly but not quit enough for me not hear.

"Uh,..um a while ago she had an accident, so I guess it still has an affect on her" Layla said coming up with a lie, "what accident?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah I mean I know I'm wrong but It was only one second and I swear if I knew it would hurt her I would've never done it" Emma explained.

"I know you didn't mean to hurt her, she just had a u-um", I get out of the bathroom knowing she can't come with another lie, I just have to act like it's not important so they don't ask about it.

"There you are" Emma said getting closer to me, "Look I'm so sorry I swear I didn't mean t-" I cut her off, "Emma it's fine I'm okay it was just a one minute thing" I said walking to my bag.

"No it's not I always get mad at Noah for his stupid jokes and I did the same without thinking" Emma said following me.

"Believe me I actually think it's funny, I always joke with Layla like that it's nothing right Layla?" I asked looking through my bag.

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