25- Mrs. Marilyn

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Her hand caresses my cheek gently, her eyes search mine, and when she gets her answer, she slowly leans in, attaching her lips to mine.

My heart raced as her lips touched mine, so soft and gentle, making me crave more.

I almost frowned when she pulled away from me.

Smiling, she kisses me again with urgency this time, like it wasn't enough for her.

Her hand slides down my back, tugging me closer to her by my waist.

Being that close to her was all I wanted, nothing else mattered in that moment.

The end

A squeal leaves my lips as I cover my face with both of my hands, remembering what had happened between us two days ago.

Feeling my cheeks heating up, I turn to my side on the bed sighing.

"Ugh I need to stop thinking" ever since the kiss, I can't seem to do anything but think about it.

You can't blame me, not only it was my first kiss but more importantly, it was with Ruby.

I think only then that I admitted out loud to her and myself as well that I like her.

In less than a week I will be starting my senior year in high school.

I need to go and buy my uniform and some other stuff that I will be needing.

After taking a shower and getting ready I head out going to the shopping center.


I button up the shirt before cuffing the sleeves and putting the dress on.

"Hm it's a bit tall, also I need to fix it on my waist so it's more fitted".

I paid for my clothes after the woman took my measurements to fix it, telling me it was going to take a couple of days to be done.

I text Layla letting her know I'm done so we can go buy our notebooks and bags together.

It's so weird, I'm almost sad that it's my last year in school, even though I don't like studying.

As I walk to my car I hear something and I freeze.

"Miss Sophia" I close my eyes taking a deep breath.

I turn around to find Fred waiting beside the car.

"Mrs Marilyn wants to see you" he says.

Marilyn was serious this time I knew that but I didn't think she will actually send someone to get me.

"Tell her I will see her later" I say turning around to my car again.

"She informed me not to come back without you,. someone will take your car from here" he says extending his hand for my keys and I frown.

"She is taking my car?" I can feel myself getting anxious just hearing her name I don't know what I will do when I see her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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