15- rooftop

542 16 15

Sophia's pov:

I let a shaky breath out as I steady my foot on the edge trying to calm my fast heartbeat by taking deep breaths.

Feeling the cold breeze brush against my face I slowly reach my hand up wiping the single tear that fell on my cheek.

Just when my breath is back to normal I let out a gasp followed by scream when I felt someone pull me off the surface making me land on top of them on the floor.


I open my eyes immediately, seeing Ruby under me still holding my upper arm in a tight grip.

Even though we're in the dark I can still see her face which was very pale like she just saw a ghost.

I quickly move from her lap trying to realize what just happened.

"God you're fine right nothing happened you're not hurt?" She asked caressing my cheeks while examining every part of me to make sure I'm okay while I froze there still not processing what just happened.

She leaned back letting a breath out relieved for a second.

"What the heck were you thinking?" she yelled making me flinch slightly. 

I look at her confused at what she is asking, "you were trying to jump!" She said panicking.

I quickly shake my head looking at her like crazy trying to form words.

"Then what?, don't lie you were literally standing on the edge" she said pointing at the surface.

"I s-swear I-I wasn't, I was just trying to-o" god I fucking hate myself why I can't talk right now.

I walk back there again trying to show her what I was doing since I can't talk to explain it, but it didn't work because she quickly walked to me looking more horrified then before grabbing my arm holding me dangerously close to her.

"Sophia" she said breathing heavily looking down at me.

"R-Ruby I'm not gonna jump I swear I'm just trying to show you" I said trying to convince her.

"I don't believe you" she said looking almost hurt.

"What else could you possibly be doing standing there"

"I promise it's not what it looks like I was j-just t-" she cuts me off "why are you crying then?" She questioned raising her eyebrow.

I quickly wipe my tears, "I'm not, It doesn't have anything to do with this" I said.

"Then what does?" She asked, "I'm trying to explain can you just let me go so I can tell you" I said trying to pull my hand out of her grip.

"No I don't trust you" she said not letting me go.

"Please,... look we can even go away from the surface" I said pegging with my eyes.

She thought about it for a second before dragging me away with her so that we are safely far from it.

She lets go of my hand but keeps her eyes on me watching me carefully like If she turned away for a second I will be vanished.

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