8- what's wrong?

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I cleaned my hands with a napkin quickly, then took my bag and got up really quietly so she doesn't turn around, "Sophia" Ruby called my name from the counter, "shit" I closed my eyes for a second then opened them again.

I looked up to find her looking at me confused but when she saw my face her Expression changed.

Her eyebrows came to a frown and her eyes held a worried look, "what happened, why are you crying?" She asked taking a step closer to me.

And me with my panicked ‏state the only solution that came to my mind is to run, so I quickly turned around heading to the door.

"Sophia wait".

I didn't listen I quickly opened the door and went to the direction of my car, I heard her following me and calling my name but I just ignored her, I finally arrived at my car.

I tried pulling out my keys from my bag but my shaky hands didn't help, "come on" I whispered to myself, "Sophia please wait" Ruby shouted.

I found my keys and quickly got into my car and locked it then started it, just then Ruby got to my window and knocked on it, I was still crying with tears in my eyes.

I didn't have the courage to look at her I can't believe she saw me crying and at 'McDonald's' that so Pathetic, no one ever saw me cry, only Layla no one else, she tried to open the door but it was locked.

I quickly move my car from the parking lot and started driving, I don't even know how I got there my hands never stopped shaking neither my tears did, I got out of my car and got inside.

"Stupid stupid stupid" I scream as I hit my head with my hand with all the strength I have.

I drop myself to the floor in front of the door crying not bothering to move to the couch, I sat there crying for a while.

I think I'm crying not just because Ruby saw me in that vulnerable state, also its been a while with me bottling up everything, I didn't even get the chance to cry it out.

Since I was in the car my phone didn't shut up it kept ringing and ringing, it was probably Ruby, after a while I knew that she wasn't going to stop so I gathered myself and tried to make my voice like I wasn't crying, I don't think it will help since she already saw me crying.

"Hello" I whisper into the phone with the left energy I have, "Sophia thank god, you are okay?" Ruby said, "yeah I'm fine, what's wr-".

"Sophia please don't act like nothing is wrong",
"but I'm fine really there's nothing wrong if you talking about earlier I-I just — m-my teeth hurt from my Dentist appointment" I Iied.

"Sophia I'm coming right now" she said, "no no don't" I said, "I don't need anything I-I'm probably going to sleep" I said trying to make my voice steady but all my words came out shaky as I felt the tears building up again.

"I will be there in 5" she said, I sigh as I hung up why she can't leave me alone I get it she wants to help but it's getting annoying, it's not like she cares about me.

I got up from the floor and went to the bathroom and washed My face to freshen up a little, I looked at myself in the mirror angry, If I just got back without going to McDonald's nothing would have happened, but no I have to go and embarrass myself.

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