18- The bar

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"I'm talking to you" He said raising his voice making me flinch, he walks as fast as me now one step away and he would catch me.

"SOPHIA" I hear Someone screaming.

I lift my head looking straight and I notice some figure standing, I squeeze my eyes trying to see their face clearly, It's Ruby.

"Uh, thank god".

"Rubyyyy" I shout back letting a breath out relieved.

I quickly Jog to her and when I reach her I warp my hand around her arm turning her to the other side.

"Were they bothering you?" She says turning again to look at them.

"No n-no just lets get back" I say, she looks down noticing my shaky hands.

"Did they do something to you?" She asks clenching her jaw as she looks back at them but they are already gone.

"No they didn't, can we just please get back now" I say looking down, she reaches for my hand holding it in hers before walking to the hotel.


"Can you tell me what happened now?" Ruby asked closing the door.

"What?" I ask, "what the heck where you doing there?" She asks.

"What I left you a note telling you where I was going" I say looking down, she looks angry.

"Do you know what time it's?" She asks and I shake my head.

"It's almost three in the morning" she says,
"I'm s-sorry" I say fidgeting with my hands.

She sighs before walking closer to me and I don't dare to look up.

"I'm sorry don't be upset I was just worried, I got out of the shower and you were not here, I tried calling but you didn't answer, I spent half an hour looking for you" she says.

"And you were shaking when I found you" she says.

"I saw that they were following you from where I was standing" she says before caressing my cheeks in her hands making me look up to her.

"Did they do something to you?" She asks again looking at me in the eyes, I shake my head but she doesn't look pleased with my answer like waiting for more as she looks at me.

"I-I was just scared because they were following me and kept trying to talk to me and when I didn't he yelled at me" I say and she nods.

My phone rings and I pull away from Ruby answering it.

"Sophia are you okay?" She asks, "yeah I'm okay Vi" I say, "I'm sorry I was in the bathroom I didn't see your messages" she apologizes.

"It's okay I'm in the hotel now" I say, "what happened?" She asks.

"I will tell you tomorrow I'm tried now" I say turning to look at Ruby.

"Okay love goodnight" she says, "goodnight" I say smiling.

"Do you have a crush on Vi?" She asks suddenly before pushing her lips close looking away like that question slipped out accidentally.

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