7- Jealous?

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"Why the fuck did I come here, she obviously isn't free, and I think the way Emma is looking right now proofs that there is something going on between them".

I don't know why but it made me feel something weird I don't how to describe it, is it sad or jealous I really don't know.

"I'm so sorry I came in a wrong time, I will go now" I said quickly getting up, "what no it's fine really" Sophia said looking confused, Emma just stood there.

"It's okay, I gave you your stuff already, there's no meaning for me to stay longer" I said walking to the door.

"You didn't even finish your tea" Sophia said following me, "we can drink one in another time".

"..Okay" Sophia said.

I got into my car and drove back home, I changed to something comfortable then went to the bathroom.

while I was washing my hands I noticed something on my neck in the mirror, I got closer to see what it is, then it hit me Lily was kissing all over my neck yesterday.

"Shit so that was what Sophia staring at" I sigh and get out of the bathroom to my room.


Sophia's pov:

After Ruby left Emma came to the living room and sat with me, I really don't understand what happened and why Ruby got all weird and left,
what did she mean by wrong time?.

I was lost in my thoughts when Emma talked
"she thinks we fucked that's why she left quickly" she said like it's nothing,"what!" I asked shocked.

"No I don't think that what she th-, I mean why would she think th-" Emma cuts me off  "come on Sophia look at me" She said pointing at herself, "I came out of your room hair messy only a shirt and I look like a total mess right now".

"And you're pretty hot so I don't see any issue here" she said, "Emma is back".

"Emma it's really not the time" I said feeling my cheeks getting red.

"If you want I can tell her what really happened and that w-" she started, "no no it fine it's not important" I said cutting her off.

"How are feeling now, are you better?" I asked,
"um - well I don't know" Emma said, "I hope I didn't bother you much yesterday u-m" she looks down guiltily

"Emma it's fine you didn't bother me at all" I said genuinely.

"So what I remember that I told you what happened and stuff, did I do something stupid?" Emma asked.

"Well u-m you" I started, "what did I do?" Emma asked looking at me scared, "you kissed me" I blurt out.

"WHAT" Emma screamed shocked, "no no I'm just kidding" I said laughing so hard, "I fuckin hate you" Emma said, "we both know that not true" I said still laughing.

"Well if you want to kiss me that bad you don't have to do all of that, just say it" Emma said smirking.

"EMMA", "don't Emma me right know you're the one who started this".

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