17- amusement park 

497 11 4

Ruby's pov:

After spending some time in the book store Sophia got two and convinced me to get one when I told her it has been a long time since I last read one.

We are now walking to the other store she wanted to see.

I feel Sophia's hand wrap around my upper arm as we walk closer to the store.

I look down to her and she is just looking forward trying to find the toys store.

She looks up to me when she feels me staring at her before looking down at her hand, she quickly removes it making me frown.

"Sorry sometimes I do it unconsciously when I walk beside someone" she explains.

"I don't mind you can hold it" I say extending my arm to her.

She looks hesitant for a second before holding my arm again making me smile.

"Oh look there it's" she said pointing with her other hand and the store while speeding up her steps making me laugh.

Lets just say as soon as her foot stepped inside the store she vanished.

I let her walk around while I looked at the other toys, I found few things for Mia.

After a while I walked between the shelves  trying to find Sophia.

"There you are" I say finding her standing in front of the teddy bears.

She turns to look at me and I see that her hands is full of stuff, coloring book with stickers, a mini blue ball, laser and slime.

"What's all of this?" I ask laughing, "oh, this is for me" she says pointing at the coloring book and slime, "and this is for my cat blue, she loves laser" she says pointing at the rest.

"What did you get?" She asks looking at my stuff, "I got this for Mia" I show her a little bunny toy with a bed, "it's like a collection every time she gets a new thing to complete it" I explain.

"Ooh, it's cute" she says before walking to the cashier.


"Sophia come on wake up" I say trying to wake her up for the third time now.

She just groans before turning to the other side.

I sigh she just refuses to get up, I tried everything I even told her that we are going out in a bit but nothing works.

I know she can hear me because she is a very light sleeper she would know If I even got out of the bed so I know she just chooses to ignore me.

She turns to face me again opening her eyes for a second before closing them again.

She jumps from her sleep as her phone rings.

"Hello" she says into the phone.

"Really" I say looking at her, I have been trying to wake her up for an hour just for her to jump up for a phone call.

"Vi are you okay?" she asks.

"Yeah I'm okay" She says.

"I was just about to call you I had a dream about you, are sure you okay?" She says getting up.

She walks to her bag and brings out an outfit,
"Why are you calling did you feel that I was dreaming about you" Sophia said laughing.

"Yeah I know I'm sorry I was asleep so I couldn't answer you back" she says.

"Yeah I miss you too, but don't worry Vi as soon as I get back I'm going to see you and bother you every day again".

"Who the fuck is Vi".

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