5- movie night

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I felt someone shaking me, I blinked a few times to clear my vision then I opened my eyes only to find myself in Ruby's lap, her hair was wet and her clothes too, everyone was standing in a circle around us.

"Wait I'm in Ruby's lap oh my god" I tried to get up but my head hurt and I felt dizzy, "don't move" Ruby said as she held me in her lap.

"Thank god she woke up" Sara said as she let a breath out, "Sophia I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to push you" Noah apologised.

"Sophia are you okay?" Emma asked,
"Tell me where you got hurt" Ruby asked,
"I think I hit my head on the ground" I said.

"Here?" Ruby asked as she touched my head
"Oww" I whined, "okay okay sorry, come on I'm taking you to the hospital" she said panicking, "No no.. I'm fine" I said.

"What happened?" Layla asked as she walked to us,"this idiot right here pushed her and she hit her head on the ground" Emma Answered, "Are you okay?" Layla asked as she hugged me, "yeah" I answered.

"Layla can you please convince her to go to the hospital she literally passed out in the water and didn't wake up till 5 minutes later" Ruby said.

"I'm fine" I said as I got up from Ruby's s lap with Layla's help and sat beside her, "what!" Layla asked.

"Yeah thank god Ruby saved her and carried her up to here" Sara said, "She what?" I asked turning to her, "yeah she got you out of the water then carrid you to the sand" Liam said.

"How the fuck did she carry me not only from the water but walked with me to here" we are far away from the water nearly by our stuff, "thank you" I said looking at Ruby, she nodded with a small smile on her face.

"Layla can you take me home now please?" I asked, "yeah yeah sure" she said getting up.

"Actually it's better if she doesn't stay alone today, you know she hit her head, just to make sure she is okay" Ruby said.

"Yeah I agree, you are coming with me" Layla said changing her mind.

"What no there's no need, also blue is alone home I can't leave her" I said, "she will be fine, also you gave her extra food before we got out it will be enough till tomorrow" Layla said, I sigh.

"Actually guys why don't all of you come too we can eat dinner and make it a movie night" Layla said.

"Is she serious right now?".

"That's a good idea that way we can take turns to take care of Sophia" Ruby said, "yeah" Liam agreed.

"I'm not a child to take turns to take care of me, you know what I don't care just let's go it's too hot out here" I said trying to get up but Ruby didn't let me, she carried me on her lap a bridle style and started walking to the parking lot.

"What are doing I can walk, I'm fine" I said looking at her, "it's your choice, either going to the hospital, or me carrying you, your not allowed to walk today in case you got dizzy" Ruby said, "uhh fine" I said.

"No it's not fucking fine how the fuck she's carrying me, that's so embarrassing, I'm sure she is struggling but not saying anything because I got hurt".

"She can't carry me all day right?, eventually she you will get tired and let me walk".

We got to the car and Layla opened the door for us, Ruby placed me on the car seat, "here" she said as she coverd me in her towel, "your clothes soaked in water you will get Sick" she said, "but your clothes are wet too" I said, "and because of me".

"Don't worry about me" she said smiling, "thank you" I said, "see you in 20 minutes" she said as she walked to her car.

"So" Layla said her eyes still on the road, "so?" I repeated confused, "you were in her lap when I came, and she carried you".

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