23- vulnerable

241 8 13

I slowly pull back out of breath, my chest moving up and down heavily.

My hands still around her, gently stroking her cheeks.

Her cheeks all flustered with her lips slightly parted.

Her eyes flutters open, looking up at me before they shift down trying to avoid my eyes.

She pulls back nervously looking down before looking back up at me.

"I-i sorry" she says taking a further step back making me frown.

"Did I make her uncomfortable".

"I w-will go" she says pointing back at the hotel.

Before I get the chance to apologize or say anything she turns around walking away from me.

"Fuck, I shouldn't have done that" I scratch the back of my neck watching her walk away under the rain slowly disappearing from my sight.

Time skip

Sophia's pov:

I stand under the shower, water dripping all over my hair, I slowly drag my fingers across my lips closing my eyes, remembering how her lips felt on mine, so soft and gentle making me melt in her arms, almost too much to handle.

"My first kiss" I whisper smiling to myself.

I don't know why I ran away, I guess I was just scared of her reaction after kissing me, would she regret it and hate me, or what reason behind her kissing me.

I mostly was scared of myself and how I felt, I liked it so much that I didn't want to pull away, even when I was out of breath.

I felt so many things that it became too much.

I didn't wanna stay and ruin it by saying or doing something stupid.

After standing under the hot water for over half an hour It started to feel too warm to handle, which was weird.

I quickly rinse off the soap of my body struggling to breathe more each second.

I open the glass door exhaling heavily feeling dizzy, my vision turning black.

I try to reach my towel with the left strength I have accidentally knocking the glass candle on the shelve making a loud sound as it shatters on the floor.

I place my hand on my chest as it feels tight like the air is stuck and can't come out.

"Sophia are you okay" I hear Ruby ask coming closer to the bathroom door.

I support myself with one hand on the wall as I barely wrap the towel around myself.

"Sophia?, open the door please" Ruby knocks on the door.

"I can't breathe" I whisper under my breath almost to myself.

I drag myself to the door unlocking it and as soon as I step out I fall, Ruby catches me into her arms.

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