6- drunk

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Ruby's pov:

I woke up feeling something ticklish on my neck, I opened my eyes and saw Sophia on top me, Both of her arms were around my waist, her face was buried in the crock of my neck, she was cuddling me.

I guess we both fell asleep on the couch, because the last thing I remember that she fell asleep on my shoulder and me covering her with the blanket.

"She look so pretty and cute sleeping, well she always look pret- what the fuck Ruby, you have a fucking girlfriend you can't think like this about her", my thoughts were cut off when I felt her moving, so I quickly closed my eyes and pretend like I was sleeping.

A couple of seconds passed and she didn't move so I opened my eyes and saw that she was still asleep.

I couldn't take my eyes off her, the way she is peacefully sleeping and hugging me, after a while I fell back asleep.

* Time skip* 2 hours later

I woke up again, but this time I didn't open my eyes, I felt Sophia moving, she probably woke up.

"Shit" I heard her whisper to herself, now she definitely woke up.

She got up from my lap, "good job Sophia,why the fuck are you sleeping on top of her" she whispered.

"Is she breathing?, I probably killed her with my heavy ass".

What she is talking about, I wouldn't have even woken up if I didn't feel ticklish from her touching my neck, also she is not heavy at all, I kept my eyes close until I heard her walk out of the living room.

I let a breath out then opened my eyes, I got up and went to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth, I got out and went to the living room.

"Good morning" Layla said, "good morning, where is everyone?" I asked, "everyone left in the morning, it's just me and you and Sophia" Layla answered.

I sat on the couch beside her waiting for Sophia to come back.

"Heyy" Sophia said entering the living room
"Hi" both me and Layla said, Sophia walked to Layla and gave her a big hug and sat on the couch.

"Me?" I thought, Don't be ridiculous why would she give you a hug, Layla got up and went to the kitchen.

"Sorry I fell asleep on you yesterday, I didn't mean to" Sophia apologised, "it's okay you don't have to apologise" I said, she nodded smiling.

"Are you okay, your head still hurt?" I asked, "I'm still convinced that she should go to the hospital".

"Oh no I'm totally fine now you don't have to worry" she said assuring me.

Layla came back with two plates in her hands she gave me one then sat on the couch and started eating, it was pancakes with strawberries.

"Thank you", " Sophia you're not eating ?" I asked.

Before she could answer "Sophia never eat breakfast, well sometimes but it's rare" Layla said after swallowing another strawberry, I looked at Sophia.

"You told me you always eat before you go out to your job" I said,"well u-um" Sophia shuttered.

Layla started laughing "‏Sophia don-" she couldn't finish her sentence because Sophia hit her with her elbow.

"Oww" , "Well what Layla mean I eat but not breakfast, sometimes I eat snacks or I drink smoothies".

"By snacks you mean coffee or tea?" Layla asked, "you shut up" sophia glared at Layla.

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