2- hickey

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"Noo" I groaned, "you have to" Ruby said,
"I will literally crush you" I said.

"Maybe she will get scared and change her mind right?, which I think it's better because If she doesn't it will become true".

"Don't be dramatic you're literally Small" Emma said rolling her eyes, "being short doesn't mean I'm skinny, also I'm not that short I'm (5'2) 159cm".

"Yes you are" Sara said agreeing with Emma,
"oh please you are almost the same height as me a-".

Right before I could complete my sentence Ruby talked, "I don't care if you don't want to lose you have to sit".

"Fine" I said getting up walking to her, I was so nervous that I will be so heavy on her.

"What if I hurt her but she doesn't say anything?, oh god what if I break her legs".

I sit on her lap placing my right hand on her left shoulder so I was looking at Emma's side and keeping the other one on my lap, I could literally feel her breath on the side of my neck.

"Okay you're next Noah" Sara said as the bottle stopped, "truth" Noah said, "Who is your celebrity crush?" she asked, "Zendaya" Noah answered.

"I agree with him Zendaya is so pretty" I thought.

"The perfume smells so good" I thought while
sitting on her lap, "thanks" Ruby said smirking,"What?" I asked shocked, "I said thanks".

"Oh my f*cking god I said that out loud" my face started getting red, "you okay?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah,...sorry I didn't mean to say that" I apologised, "it's fine really" she said smiling, I nod smiling but in the inside I want to kill myself.

I look around and see that Lily is staring at me and she looks mad, "shit"  how I didn't get it she probably have a thing with Ruby that why they came here together.

I shift in my place 'Ruby's lap' feeling uncomfortable, "you good?" she asked placing her right hand on my knees, "oh god, I will be If I get back to my seat before embarrassing myself more than I already did".

"Y-yeah sorry if I'm crushing you" I apologised not looking at her, "you're not" she said, "good" I breath out.

"Truth or dare liam?" Noah asked,"truth" liam said.

"Do you have a crush on anyone here?" Noah asked.

Liam's face turned red , "yes" he answered looking down, everyone got shocked and started asking who but he didn't answer.

"I know who" I lied, "who?" Liam asked nervously scratching the back of his neck, everyone looked at me waiting for an answer, "It's Noah" I said trying to hold my laugh.

"Oh don't be ridiculous" Noah said while everyone laughed.

"okay it's Sophia turn" Liam said changing the subject, "finally" I sighed.

"I didn't know you hated me that much" Ruby said placing her hand on her heart acting all hurt, "w-what no I just didn't want to bother you more" I explained.

"what if she's not acting and that actually what she thinks, I don't want her to think that I hate her".

"Okay okay I believe you" Ruby said laughing as I get up from her lap and sit in my place,
"okay Sophia truth or dare?" Liam asked, "truth" I answered this time not wanting to sit on anyone again, "who was your first time?" he asked.

Layla started laughing like crazy and everyone stared confused, "LAYLA stop laughing" I yelled hitting her arm, "Okay okay sorry" she said holding her stomach, "I don't have a first time" I mumbled quietly, no one heard.

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