11- Airport

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I wasted all my time doing nothing important, I just finished one of the books I was reading then I watched some TikTok, it was now 3am so I decided to get ready.

I took a long shower, I washed my hair and body, after I got out I put some lotion on and dried my hair, I wanted to straighten my hair so I started after I applied some products in my hair.

I wore my loose butterflies jeans then a tank top that ended up right above my jeans, I look in the mirror to make sure it looked good, but then I decided to put an over sized jacket just in case I moved and my shirt got up.

I curled my lashes and applied lip balm and finally I was done.

I started another book (Fool me twice) while waiting for Ruby, I loved this time in the day, it was quite and peaceful, everyone else asleep you can do whatever you want.

I heard a knock on the door so I got up and opened it.

"Hi, you ready?" Ruby asked, "hii, yeah just let me take my backpack" I said walking inside.

"It's okay we still have time I came early in case you needed help with something" Ruby said closing the door and following me.

"Okay do you want something to eat while I check for everything?" I asked, "No thanks I just ate breakfast" she answered.

I carry my bag from my bed to the living room,
"Oh just give it to me I will put it in the car" Ruby said taking the bag from my hands, "thank you" I say.

I quickly throw my power bank, book and my phone in my bag, I take a final look to make sure all the electricity and switches are off.

"I'm done, we can go now" I tell Ruby as she walks back inside, "okay" she said, I lock the door and follow Ruby.

"Oh I was just coming to see if you need help" a dark skinned guy with short curly hair said, I look at him confused for a second.

"Oh right Sophia this is Jamal my friend he's driving us to the airport, Jamal this is Sophia" Ruby said pointing between us two.

"Hi, nice to meet you" Jamal said holding his hand out for me, "nice to meet you too" I said shaking his hand, "aright let's go" Jamal said walking to the driver seat.

"Why didn't you tell me your friend is picking us up, I would've gotten ready quicker" I say whispering to Ruby.

"It's fine, not like I have something better to do" Jamal said.

Ruby opened the back seat door for me and I thanked her then she got in the passenger seat.

I was quite not knowing what to say, Jamal's phone rang, he looked at the caller then declined the call.

"She knows that you're always with me so she keeps calling without nonstop" Jamal told Ruby still focusing on the road.

I feel Ruby tense up at what he said, "Just block her, I'm not going to talk to her after what she did" Ruby said and I can tell that she is upset.

"Who are they talking about?" .

"I'm glad her true color came out, I never liked her" Jamal said and Ruby just sighed, "sorry I will shut up now" he apologised.

"No it's fine, I-It  all just happened new I need time" Ruby said.

I didn't talk unless Jamal asked something but I don't know why seeing Ruby upset made me sad, I hope whatever is wrong gets better.

We finally arrived at the airport, Jamal helped us with our bags and said have fun before driving off.

everyone agreed to meet at the coffee shop so we went there.

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