16- My type

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Ruby's pov:

I wake up noticing that Sophia is not on the bed, I sit up to find her standing in front of the mirror fixing her hair.

"Good morning" I say stretching my arms, she turns around, "oh you're up, morning" she says smiling.

She is wearing blue loose jeans with white blouse and a baby pink sweater on top of it and she has her upper hair in two ponytails leaving the rest down.

"You look pretty" I said getting up, "thank you" she said before looking down her cheeks turning crimson.

"It's cute how she gets shy so easily, she can't even keep eye contact longer then 3 seconds".

"I'm going to get ready quickly then we can head out" I say taking my clothes out of the bag and she nods.


Liam choose the restaurant right down the streets so me and Sophia walked to there, that is what I love about the hotel we are staying in everything is 5 minutes walk away.

"Guys I swear I can't take it anymore" Emma said complaining.

"It's has been happening for 3 days in a row I need my sleep" she continued.

"I swear she isn't exaggerating I can't sleep either" Sara agreed.

They both complained about how they can't sleep because of Noah and Chloe. 

"Like I just wanna know why it us that got the room next to them whyyy" Emma huffed.

"So that why they're not up yet" Liam said laughing.

"Bro it's not funny they are so loud" Emma said.

Sophia took a sip from her drink before talking,
"just tell them to talk more quietly and if it's the TV ask them to turn the volume down" she suggested seriously.

All the table got quite for a second, I look at her before I burst out laughing and everyone joined me.

"What?" She asked looking at us confused.

"Oh my god I can't" Emma said holding her stomach laughing more.

"Why are you all laughing stop" Sophia said frowning.

"Sophia what did you get of what just we said" Layla asked still laughing.

"What Emma is the one who said that they were being loud, I just said to tell them talk more quietly" she explained.

"Can you guys stop laughing" she said glaring at us.

"Babe it wasn't that kind of loud noises I was talking about, take a guess" Emma said.

"What do you mea—,....oooh" Sophia said.

"Yeah" I said laughing, "ewwww I didn't need to know that" Sophia gaged.

"Imagine hearing it, for 3 nights in a row" Emma said.

"Eww no thanks" she said scrunching her nose in disgust.

"My innocent baby" Layla said squeezing Sophia's face, "I'm not innocent" Sophia smacked Layla's hand.

"Yeah sure you are not" I said laughing.

"You don't believe me?, just because I don't show it doesn't mean I'm innocent because I know everything maybe more then you guys" she said glaring at me.

"god she looks cute while being angry her face is all red".

"Really?" I ask looking at her, "yeah" she nods,
"Why don't you tell me what you know then" I say looking at her.

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