19- "she wants to take me back"

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"So you wanna get into my pants too?" I ask remembering how she called me beautiful just few hours ago.

She chokes on her drink coughing, some of it spilling out.

"Relax I know you don't want to" I say laughing at her.

She looks up at me her head slightly turned to the side looking at me in the eyes for a second making me feel like the place is too quite.

"Here" I say breaking the silence handing her a Kleenex, she take it before cleaning the mess.

*Time skip*

We got back to the hotel after a while and my head was killing me.

"God I didn't drink and my head is hurting a lot from the loud music I don't know how they can drink and do it".

"Are going to change?" Ruby asks seeing me prepare my stuff, I nod.

"Wait wait let me take some pictures" she says quickly taking out her phone and taking few.

"Why, stop" I say laughing while covering my face with my hands.

"Don't cover your face" she says taking more pictures.

"You look good" she says making me smile.

"Ahh perfect" she says taking a picture of me smiling.

"Now you can change if you want to" says says.


Now both Ruby and I are laying down on the bed, each one of us busy on our phones.

Ruby turns off her phone before propping her head on her hand while laying on her side.

"What?" I ask laughing when I notice she is looking at me.

"You never tried alcohol before right?" She asks.

"Yeah" I say confused, "why?" She asks.

"I mean every teenager has tried it once at least" she says.

"I remember being about fourteen or fifteen when I first sneaked some alcohol with Jamal and tried it" she says.

"Fourteen!, that so young" I say.

"Yeah at first I didn't want to but then Jamal convinced me" she says.

"It's cute that you have been together for that long, You're both in college now" I say.

"Yeah, when did meet your best friends?" She asks.

"I met Layla when we were in last year of  middle school and we became friends quickly and I don't even know how because I was so awkward" I say laughing.

"I also met Vi the same year but we didn't become friends until the last month of the year then she went to another high school" I say.

"I don't remember when I started to get close with Vi, all of the sudden we started talking a lot" I say looking up.

"What about Emma and Sara?" Ruby asks.

"I met Emma and Sara in freshman year, at first they were just my friend friends, then I started becoming their friend too" I say

"I know that Emma first tried alcohol when she was fourteen too" Ruby says.

"I didn't know" I say, "so she didn't make you try with her because she makes everyone drink with her" she asks.

"Oh believe me she did, she kept trying until Layla got mad at her" I say laughing as I remember.

"So?" Ruby asks again about the reason.

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