21- your last chance to say sorry

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I don't know what happened at the pool, not just there but every time she is too close or even looking at me I get this weird feeling inside, it's not a bad one, I just don't know what it is.

"You're gonna keep this one here?" Ruby asks laughing.

"Yeah" I answer adjusting the the bunny between us on the bed.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I ask.

"The usual, meet up at lunch then we can do something else, why do you have something in mind?" She asks.

"No, Just asking" I say, we have been here for over a week now, and I eat at least two meals a day, which mostly bad with a large amount of calories.

I didn't even count the sweets, I have definitely gained weight, I don't want to know how much more I will gain until we get back.

It's not like I can skip meals like I do at home, that will be awkward, also we do a lot in the day unlike when I'm at home so I get hungry more here.

"What are you thinking of?" Ruby asks cutting my thoughts, "nothing" I say with a smile.

"Can I turn the lights off?" Ruby asks after a while, "yeah" I nod, I feel sleepy.


I wake up a little panicked, "good morning" Ruby says sitting beside me on the bed on her phone.

"Morning" I say rubbing my eyes, "did she hear me?".

"Did I say something while sleeping?" I ask,
"no you didn't" she answers turning off her phone to look at me.

"Are you sure you didn't hear me say something?" I ask again a little paranoid.

"Yeah, why did you have a nightmare again?" She asks, "no no just asking" I say waving my hand in the air.

"It was right the opposite actually".

I feel my cheeks heating up thinking about the dream, thank god I didn't say anything while sleeping that would've been so embarrassing.

I walk to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

"Note to myself, no more watching hot girls on Tik Tok before sleeping, well at least not while I'm sleeping with someone else in the room".

Ruby's pov:

We just finished eating lunch with everyone, me and Sophia decided to go on a walk, so she beat me to the room to use the bathroom before heading out.

I enter the room looking for my bag but stop when I hear throwing up sound from the bathroom.

I walk closer to the bathroom door, I can hear the sinks water running while Sophia is coughing.

"Sophia are you okay?" I ask knocking on the door. 

She stops coughing before closing the sink, I hear her moving around in the bathroom before opening the door.

"Were you throwing up?" I ask noticing her face is a little red.

"What, no no I just accidentally chocked while brushing my teeth" she says laughing before walking to the bed.

"Alright lets go" I say as we both got ready.

"Yeah I swear we would fight like every day and Layla would not know what to do" Sophia says laughing.

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