22- Under the rain

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Sophia's pov:

I open my eyes slowly adjusting to the light that is coming from the curtains.

I frown feeling something heavy on my chest almost suffocating me.

I look down, double checking when I find Ruby sleeping on top of me.

I swear she is so touchy even when she is sleeping.

Like when we walk somewhere together she always guides me with her hand being on my lower back or when we're sitting beside each other her hand will find it way to my thigh either to catch my attention or or just to rest there for a little.

Not that I'm complaining though, for some weird reason I like it.

Usually when someone touches me I feel sort of uncomfortable or to be exact awkward even If I like them and know them very well, it's really rare that I find someone who I'm comfortable enough to let them hug or touch me.

But with Ruby I don't find myself to mind it.

Every time she is touching me I get this warm feeling inside, like my stomach is doing flip flops, and I can't figure out why.


Ruby's pov:

I get out of the bathroom after getting dressed to get out with the rest to eat.

"Stop get off" I hear Sophia says almost screaming.

I frown, she told that she will be with Layla until I get ready but her voice is very close like she is standing outside beside the door.

"Nooo, let me go" she says louder this time.

I rush to the door before opening it, only to find Emma cornering Sophia on the wall.

Emma is holding both of Sophia's hands while trying to kiss her.

"What's going on?" I ask confused, Sophia gets distracted for a second and Emma takes her chance leaving a quick kiss on her forehead.

"Done" Emma says proud, "I hate you" Sophia groans before wrapping her hands around herself.

"What, I had to return the favor" Emma says shrugging her shoulders.

"What favor?" I ask, "she saved my life" Emma says.

"Don't exaggerate" Sophia says, "she called begging for help like someone was dying and made me come out in my pajama only for me to help her get rid of some girl" Sophia says annoyed.

"I'm not, she is literally worst than hell, and it's all because of you guys, if you didn't force me to do that stupid dare she wouldn't have tried to call me back" Emma says.

"How bad it can be?" I ask, "bruh you don't know her, you sleep with her drunk and wake up to her claiming that she is your girlfriend, and when I explained that we aren't together she broke down calling me names" Emma explains.

"Well I don't think she will call you again after what I did" Sophia says.

"What did you do?" I ask turning to Sophia.

"I acted like some jealous crazy girlfriend, I think I scared her enough not to even think of calling again" Sophia says.

"Ooh I kinda wanna see crazy girlfriend Sophia" I says holding my smile.

"Oh believe me you do, she was a hot crazy girlfriend" Emma says smirking.

Sophia rolls her eyes at us before opening the door of our room.

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