12- The beach

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I heard something fall into the water making a loud sound, I turn around and sophia is not there.

"She fell".

"Sophia" I scream after her.

When she didn't answer I felt panic overwhelmed me making my heartbeat rise and my breath hitch.

I quickly go to the stanchion and Jump after her.

I look around to see that the waves had pushed her away making her struggle, "hold on" I shouted.

I swim as fast as I can, as soon as I get to her I scoop her from the water holding her close to me, her hands immediately went to my neck hugging me closer.

"Are you okay?" I asked pushing the hair away from her face, she looked at me with a straight face for a second then started laughing and giggling.

"Why are laughing?" I asked confused, "I didn't think you would actually jump, I just wanted to scare you a little" she said still laughing.

"What, you think this is funny, I almost got a heart attack thinking something happened to you" I said.

"Sorry"she apologised removing her hand from my neck, "so you know how swim?" I asked seeing her move her hands to stay up, she nodded her smile slowly disappearing.

"Are you mad at me?" she asked her face holding a worried expression, I couldn't bear to see her face looking all sad.

"No just don't do it again please, I got scared that something bad happened to you" I said reaching to her upper arm.

"I won't" she said smiling at me making me smile back.

god I really can't get enough of this smile.

"What the fuck happened we heard screaming?" Emma yelled from the yacht pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh my god are you okay?" Layla asked, "How did you fall?" Sara asked, I look back at Sophia and she looks down with guilty eyes.

"You can ask them later, come here it's not a swimming safe area" Liam said.

We swim back to the yacht, Layla and Liam helped us to get on the yacht, water dripping all over the place, we sit on the outside seats.

"So what happened?" Layla asked, "u-um it's my fault I jumped in not thinking she would actually jump after me, I thought she would just scream or something" Sophia explained, I looked at her in disbelief.

"Obviously I wasn't going to let you drown to death, is that what you thought?" I said.

"The thing is why you thought she was drowning?" Emma asked, "because she told me she don't know how to swim before jumping in" I answered.

"Sophia why would you lie?" Layla asked,
"I already told you I didn't think she would jump I just wanted to scare her for a minute" Sophia answered shivering.

"Um do you have a blanket or something?" I asked.

"Wait I will go look for one" Sara said rushing inside.

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