20- "what if we get caught?"

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Sophia's pov:

I can't sleep, I have been trying for the last hour.

"I'm scared, what If I dream about it again,
also I'm so hungry my stomach hurts".

I turn laying on my stomach hoping that I would feel comfortable and sleep.

I sigh when It doesn't work, "Sophia sleep it's late" Ruby says not moving, I thought she was asleep.

"I can't, my bellybeats is uncomfortable" I answer.

"Your what?" Ruby asks sitting up, "the heart beat in my belly" I say again.

"What's that?" She asks laughing, "you know when you feel your heartbeat in your chest? It's the same but when you feel it in your belly, head and leg" I explain and she laughs.

"Sophia there is no such as thing" she says.

"Yes there is, and it's annoying" I say, "you can only feel your heartbeat in your chest where your heart is" she says.

"Yes you can and I feel it right now, my belly is even moving from it" I argue.

"Let me see" she says reaching her hand over to my belly, I immediately pull back not letting her touch it.

"No" I'm Certainly not letting her touch my belly, she could feel how much fat there is.

"Maybe you can see it when it happens to you, you don't even believe me" I say.

"Alright alright" she says laying back down.

"Ruby?" I ask after few minutes, "yeah" she answers.

"Lets go to the supermarket" I suggest,
"Now?" She asks.

"Yeah now, I'm bored" I say, "Sophia it's midnight, I'm not sure you can even find one that is open right now" she says.

"There is definitely one that is still open" I say.

She stays quiet like she is thinking about it,
"Come on please" I say moving closer to her.

"Okay" Ruby says, "yes" I beamed quickly getting out of bed.

"I will be ready in a minute" I say taking the first jacket I see to wear before she changes her mind.


I go to see the chips section looking for my favorite, when I see it I quickly grab it with other few ones.

"Okay I think I took too much" I look down at the basket.

I bought some chips, chocolate, my favorite cereal that comes in a tiny size with a small milk and many other snacks.

"Okay note to myself don't shop when you're hungry".

"There you are, where did you go" Ruby asks walking to me.

"I turned for a second and you were gone" she says, "Sorry I was just getting these" I say.

"Are you done?" She asks, "yeah" I answer, "alright let's go" she says taking the basket from me and walking to the cashier.

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