Chapter: 1 Introduction And Beginnings

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in this story:

-Izuku did not have a quirk and his family tortured and sold him to a rich man as a "servant" in charge of cleaning  "the Cage"

-Izuku has a friend who has the same fate as if he was sold to the rich man by his parents because he has a weak quirk, Izuku's friend's name is Kyo Kisaya.

-Izuku became a well-known hacker because his analysis abilities.

-Izuku will be entered into the wanted list with Kyo after they hacked several banks and managed to break into UA database and stole all the information from that database.

-Izuku and Kyo were caught at the age of 16 and sent to prison but because Izuku and Kyo had great talents they were allowed to be given several offers by UA.

-katsuki and Izuku do not hate each other and Katsuki was Izuku's only friend when he was little until he was sold to rich people, Katsuki also tried to find Izuku when Izuku was sold by his family.

-Izuku and Kyo consider each other family and they both support each other and they change their last name Ikino.


Name: Kyo Kisaya

quirk: flint, Kyo can make a spark when he snaps his fingers.

Drawback: Nome.


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Izuku POV

I run towards the kitchen with enthusiasm, today is the day you will find out what quirk I have, I've been waiting for this day for the past few days and I really can't wait to find out, I hope my quirk is strong so I can help dad and mom when I'm an adult.

when I got to the kitchen I saw mom was on the phone with someone and she shouted at the phone and cursed several times and I also saw my dad was sitting on the couch in front of the tv and around him there were several cans of unpleasant liquids and made me dizzy when drinking them.

I waited for mom to stop calling and tell her that today is the day when I will see what quirk I have, after a few minutes mom stops calling and I tell her that today is the day I will see what quirk I have and she asked me got ready and I ran back to my room.

when I returned to the kitchen mom was ready with dad and we went to the hospital where I did the test, when I arrived at the destination and we walked to the waiting room, and not long after my name was called by the doctor, we got up from our seat and walked towards doctor's room, the doctor gave my test results to mom and when she saw you looked annoyed and asked the doctor.

"Why is it written None here? Are you kidding me! My husband and I have a quirk so why  Izuku doesn't?!" mom said and I felt a lot of pain in my chest after hearing that, the doctor explained to mom that I was hit by a rare case where I have no quirk but I will have other abilities that ordinary people don't have like my senses will get stronger.

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