Chapter: 13 New Friends

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Izuku POV

I and katsuki talked about various things and he also told me about his trauma because of everything that happened when he was in class 1-A and I told him about my past nickname when I was still working for Josh, when I was still a personal servant josh I was nicknamed the bloody servant by all the maids and servants in the mansion and only Kyo who still dared to talk to me, I got that nickname because of the incident when I killed several servants because I went berserk, when my consciousness returned I was covered in blood and there were several corpses in front of me, Josh managed to calm me down and yet I became very afraid I gone to berserk again.

I don't like my nickname but I will never be able to change it until finally, I have the opportunity to change and forget my old nickname but no matter how hard I try to forget that nickname I can't forget that nickname until now I'm still haunted by that nickname, after I told katsuki about my past nickname he hugged me, I told Katsuki how to deal with me when I showed a trait of going berserk but I told him a slightly different way from Kyo because I felt Katsuki would be able to calm me down by just saying no to me.

I wanted to be able to help Katsuki get rid of his trauma but I didn't want to force him, I hugged Katsuki and I whispered thanks to him until I heard a knock on the door, Katsuki woke up irritably and walked towards the door and after a while, I heard the door open and the sound of Katsuki was heard talking to someone and after a while, Katsuki's voice rose and I got up from the bed and walked towards the door, when I got there Katsuki looked angry at someone but I couldn't see who because Katsuki only opened the door a little but my guess is there is more than one the person at the door.

"It's none of your fucking business! just mind you own fucking business and leave me alone!!" Katsuki said angrily.

"But he is a criminal! We are saying this for your good Bakugo!" many voices were coming from the front door of Katsuki's room but I couldn't hear them too clearly.

"He's not a bad person! Shut up the hole in your face! You don't know anything about him!" angry katsuki.

"can You all stop bothering Bakugo? Can't you just let other people be happy? Bakugo looks so happy when Midoria appears again in his life and you keep saying that Izuku is a bad person because he's a former villain? do you not realize that he is patient with how you treat him even though he is trying to change?" one voice said and they were all silent.

"Thank you Iida" Katsuki said.

"No problem bakugou, I'm happy to help you," Ida said.

"Can't you see Bakugo happy? You say everything you say is for the good of Bakugo but I think you guys just don't help at all, have you ever seen Bakugo laugh or maybe smile before Izuku came? what you said earlier was not for the sake of bakugou but just because you don't like Izuku from the start, he is indeed a former villain but that doesn't mean he is a bad person as you think" said the girl's voice.

"Thank you momo" Katsuki said.

"Bakugo is free to do whatever he wants and you don't have the right to control his life, you also don't know Izuku as well as Bakugo did but you already think of him as a bad guy, Izuku has told him the reason he committed a crime and I believe him because if I were him I would do things as him, "said the monotonous voice.

"Thank you Iceho- I mean Todoroki" Katsuki said.

"You guys are very selfish and stupid, for the past 2 days I see Izuku is a good person and he seems to really care about bakugou, he also really cares about his friends, I also see Kyo is a kind person, he really cares about his friend even I feel Kyo care more about friends than you all care about each other, "said one girl.

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