Chapter: 17 Help

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Izuku POV

After we returned from the Mall, Kyo went to his workroom while Momo, Ida, Shoto, and Jiro went to study, Katsuki and I went to practice in the UA training room with Ryuma and Kota, when I was watching katsuki training I felt my phone ringing and when I see who called me I was a little shocked because Josh called me, Josh rarely called me for what security reasons I was in UA but we are still in touch now and then and Josh always tells how his family is, I picked up the phone from Josh and after I lifted I heard the sound of the wind I guess he was on the roof of the mansion or maybe on the road.

"I don't know how but some men were sent to arrest Mary and Helix in their apartment, I don't know who the bastard ordered those people but at this time Mary and Helix managed to escape from their apartment, I'm in a town far away so I can't protect them so I want you to find a safe place for Mary and Helix," Josh replied and I thought.

"Where are Mary and Helix now? I will pick them up" I said and stood up.

"I will send their location to you when you meet them just say you are Izuku, Mary will believe you because I gave her your photo," Josh said and he hung up the phone, I got a location and I immediately went to the location that.

I asked permission from Aizawa and after getting permission from him I went to the location that Josh gave me with my motorbike, after driving for 1 hour I arrived at the location and I was looking for Josh's wife and children there, when I walked through a small dark alley I heard a woman's voice behind me and also I feel a gun behind me, I raise my hands and I ask if that woman is Josh's wife.

"Are you Mary or Josh's wife?" I asked.

"Who are you?" the woman asked back.

"I'm Izuku, I'm a former Servan who served your husband" I replied.

"We don't have much time, I will take you and your child to a safe place," I said and the gun that was pointed behind me was lowered, I turned around and I saw a woman with long silver hair and a 5-year-old child. with silver hair and brown eyes.

"Follow me," I said and got back on my motorbike, I got on the motorbike and I asked Mary and her son to ride.

After they got up I immediately started my motorbike to my old house, while on the way Mary said someone was following us and I increased the speed of my motorbike, I passed several small streets so that people who followed us lost track of us and after arriving at the old house I I parked my vehicle in an empty garage and then took Mary and her child into my house, even though this house is shabby and small but the police rarely pass through this place and this area is also included in my and Kyo's territory because we had enough time to live in this place long.

"You are safe in this place, I do have many cameras around the house and you can see using this tv, every camera has a motion sensor so if there is movement the tv will turn on itself and show where the movement is, the door in this house is also not a problem destroyed, if anyone forced entry into the house there is a staircase leading to the basement in the barn and you can close the path to the basement with a cupboard and then you can go out by following the hallway that is below the ground, "I told Mary.

"Underground there is also a box containing various kinds of ammunition and also a handgun, once you get out of the way in the dungeon you can destroy the passage by pressing a button on the exit, that way no one can chase you" I added then showed around the house.

"Is there anything you want to ask?" I asked after showing around the house.

"Why can't I get a signal here?" Mary asked.

"That's because in this place there is no signal so if you want to contact someone you have to go to the roof of the house, there is an antenna there that you can connect to your phone but if you want to contact me or Josh you can use this communication tool," I said and gave him a communication tool made by Kyo.

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