Chapter: 3 Manners

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Izuku POV

after a few hours the car stopped at a large gate with a wooden door and above that gate there was a thorn made of iron and I also saw a very high fence and there was also a thorn on it like the one in the gate, the man who bring me talking to someone and after a while, the gate opened itself and the car entered the gate, there was a very big mansion and had a fountain in front of it, I also saw some people wearing maids and servant clothes standing in front of the door.

the car stopped in front of the front door and the person escorting me asked me to get out of the car, I also realized that all the servants and maid in this house are around 10 to 15 years old, one of the servants asked me to follow him and I nodded and follow him into the Mansion, the servants introduced himself named Sota and he explained what my work was and told me the house rules.

In this house the servants are not allowed to come out of their room at night unless the master calls them and the servants have to get up at 5 am and gather in the servants' room to divide the work of all servants, the servants must be neat in their uniforms by 6 am or he will receive punishment from senior servants, servants will have breakfast after they get their job and after their job is done they can spend time in their room until he gets another job, servants will get a day off every 2 weeks and will be paid a salary every month.

after telling me all that we arrived in front of a room and sota told me that I would share with a servant too and that servant had not come yet and would come in a few hours, I nodded and entered the room and I saw there were 2 mattresses, 2 wardrobes, a small table between the two beds, and an alarm on the table, there is a window that shows the garden.

I opened the wardrobe and there was a servant uniform, and I put my book in the small gap on the top of the wardrobe leaving a book that I would write something down, I sat on the right bed and wrote whatever I saw while walking here and after finishing I heard a knock on the door of my room and I took my book under the pillow and opened the door and saw a servant who looked around 13 to 14 years old with blue hair.

"What is your name?" the servant asked.

"Izuku" I answered and the servant wrote my name in a book.

"Did your roommate come?" he asked and I shook my head.

"ok, wear your uniform and follow me," he said and I nodded and wore my servant uniform and I followed him to a room that had the words "office" and the servant who escorted me knocked on the door, I heard a voice from inside asking us to come in and the servant escorted me open the door, when the door is open I saw a man sitting behind a table covered in piles of paper and there was a maid not wearing clothes dancing in the room.

"Why did you come to my office Aoi?" the pre asked, so this servant was named Aoi.

"I brought a servant who just came a few minutes ago master" Aoi answered with a bow, so this man is a master.

"He doesn't look bad but he doesn't look good either, I'm not interested in him, but he has a pretty good ability to take care of things, add to the job of taking care of the cage"the master said and Aoi nodded.

"We will go now, sorry to disturb you, master," Aoi said and we came out of the master's office and Aoi escorted me to my room.

"You are very lucky but in same time has really bad luck Izuku, the master is not interested in you indicating that you will only work as an ordinary servant but you have to work at the cage," Aoi said.

"I am surprised that you did not show any reflex when you saw that the maid was not wearing clothes and dancing," Aoi said as he continued walking.

"I am used to being punished by my parents who are very similar to that so I feel it's normal," I said and we arrived in front of my room, Aoi leave and I opened the room door and saw a child my age was sitting on my bed and reading. the book I hid behind the pillow, I ran to him and took my book from him.

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