Chapter: 4 First Kill

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Izuku POV

I've been working in this house for a few days and now I start to work at the cage, I asked what is the cage and Aoi told me that the cage is where the master's son kept his 'toy' and Aoi asked whether I fear blood or not and I answered no, Aoi led me to a door that led to the underground and he asked me to come inside and I nodded and opened the door, I smelled a very strong smell of blood and I heard screams and laughter from one of the rooms and I kept walking until I found a room and there was a young master who was electrocuting a man whose age was not far from me.

"Young master, I was assigned to work here, what should I do here?" I asked politely and the young master looked at me and he smiled.

"You're not afraid of what I'm doing?" the young master asked and I shook my head.

"interesting, what's your name servant?" the young master asked.

"Izuku" I replied.

"Alright Izuku, your job is to clean all the rooms in this place and throw all the corpses into the room at the end of the hall, on the door of the room there is a word of fire," The master said and I nodded and left the young master and started working.

I opened one by one the doors in this place and there was a room full of blood and in some rooms there were corpses, there were corpses that were still intact in human form and that had also been mutilated, I carried the corpses with a trolley that I found in one of the rooms and Bringing all the corpses to the room that the young master said, when I opened the door there was a machine that looked like a cremation machine and I read the manual on how to use the machine and put all the corpses into the machine.

after I finished burning all the corpses I returned to all the rooms with the trolley I used before and started cleaning all the rooms in this place after I finished cleaning some of the room, the young master called me and I immediately went to him when I arrived at the young master's room. called me to see that the man he had electrocuted had died.

"Why you call me master?" I ask.

"Have you finished cleaning up all the corpses in the other room?" the young master asked and I nodded.

"I want you to give this to father and tell him I will go out for a few days to hunt," the young master said and I nodded, the young master came out of the room and I took the corpse of the man who was in the room and brought it to the machine then put it in, I started the engine and when it's all done I go back to the room and continue cleaning all the rooms.

After all clean, I came out of the place and it was seen that it was late afternoon and I went to the master's office to give him the paper that the young master gave and told the master that the young master would go hunting, when I arrived in front of the master's study I knocked on the door and there was a sound from inside asked me to come in then I opened the door, I bowed to the master and told what the young master said and I gave him the paper that the young master gave to me, master smiled and he said I can go, I leave the master's sturdy and went to my room.

when I got to my room I saw Kyo was already there and was reading a book that I guessed came from the master library, since a few days ago he often took 1 random book from the library and read it in the room, we shouldn't take the master's book because If we are caught taking things belonging to our master or young master, we will put them in the cage. At first, I thought the cage was a cage or a special room to punish servants, but after I saw what a cage was, I understood why many servants were afraid of cages.

If I'm not wrong, Kyo has taken 6 books now and he keeps them in the crack in the floor of our room, I once banned him a few days ago but at that time he brought a very interesting book and I let him take a book but I asked him to take a good book like a medical book and martial arts books, Kyo did not believe I allowed him at that time and thought I was lying but after few days he taking books he returned to take books from the library and he followed my words he took martial books, books about medicine, books cooking, and other books.

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