Chapter: 16 Shopping And Mark

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Izuku POV

When katsuki and I came back from Jog we met Momo and the others in the kitchen, they asked if we wanted to come with them to go to the mall to buy clothes for Kota and Ryuma this afternoon, We both agreed and we went to clean ourselves, katsuki and I separated in front of katsuki's room and I went into my room, after I finished cleaning up I went downstairs and I saw katsuki was cooking in the kitchen, I went to sit next to Ryuma and I was talking to him and the others, after a few minutes Katsuki finished cooking we all ate together, after eating we went to watch a movie in the living room until 11 am then we went to get ready to go to the mall, after everything was ready we went to the mall on foot.

when we arrived at the mall we go to a clothing store we went inside and momo looked for the clothes for a 10-year-old child were, she ask one of the women who worked in the shop and the woman drove us, momo and Jiro walked around looking for clothes that they thought fit Kota and Ryuma and I saw one of the clothing prices at the shop, I was very surprised to see the price of clothes in that shop because the price of one clothes is up to 25 thousand yen, I pulled Katsuki and Kyo then showed the price of the clothes I saw, Kyo looked surprised while Katsuki didn't look surprised.

"What's with this price? The price of clothes is not that expensive right? Have you never bought clothes?" Katsuki asked, Kyo and I were shocked and I just remembered Katsuki is a rich person like Momo so he used to see clothes this expensive.

"I never bought clothes this expensive, I'm not rich like you and momo, I bought clothes for 25 thousand yen and can get dozens of clothes," I said.

"I've never seen clothes this expensive" Kyo said

"What's wrong with Izuku and Kyo? They looked shocked earlier?" Shouto asked Katsuki and behind him was Ida.

"They see the price of clothes here and feel the clothes here are very expensive" Katsuki replied.

"Have you never bought clothes?" Shouto and Ida asked, oh my God, I forgot all my friends were rich and only Kyo and I came from a poor family!

"Kyo and I are not like you, Kyo and I come from quite poor families and can only afford to buy clothes when there is a big discount at a clothing store," I said and Kyo nodded.

"how much do you usually buy clothes?" Ida asked, momo and Jiro walked over to us.

"What's the matter? Are you guys talking about something interesting?" momo asked and there was Jiro beside him.

"Izuku is shocked by the price of clothes that are here" Shouto answered.

"What's wrong with the prices in this shop?" Jiro asked while looking at the price of the clothes he bought.

"I used to buy clothes at the most expensive price of 4 thousand yen and here there are up to 25 thousand yen" I answered Ida's question, all my friends looked shocked except Kyo. 

Kota and Ryuma were confused and they saw the price of the clothes that Jiro hold them looks shocked.

"Are clothes really this expensive ?!" Ryuma asked and I shook my head.

"We better wait outside Kyo, our poor souls scream to see the price of clothes here, Kota and Ryuma good luck," I said and Kyo nodded, we left Kouta and Ryuma who still couldn't believe the price they saw, after a few minutes katsuki, Ida, Shouto, Jiro, and momo came out of the shop and approached us with several bags of clothes, Kouta and Ryuma looked tired.

"Izuku, your friends are crazy, they spent 300 thousand yen on clothes," Ryuma said looking tired.

"they buy clothes close to the price you build your computer, Izuku," Kyo said.

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