Chapter: 2 letter

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Katsuki POV

all the way home I kept thinking about what Izuku said, he was going to go and I didn't know what to do, Izuku was my only friend and the only person who made me comfortable with him, I also felt happy when he was with him and only in front of him I can be my real self.

I don't know why but I feel I can trust Izuku regarding all my problems and I also feel very comfortable with him even though we don't do anything, Izuku has never been attracted to my family's wealth and he also never asked me for anything but I always gave him food I made, I also don't know why I like to cook for him exactly but I like to cook for him, seeing his happy face and hearing him praise my cooking makes me very happy.

I also rarely get angry like before and I smile or laugh a lot when around him, my parents are confused when I am not like before and think I am sick so they call the doctor home, they are also very confused when I often start cooking for lunch and always bring 2 portions of lunch to school.

I feel sorry for Izuku and want to be able to help him but I don't know-how, he always refuses if I give money and he forbids me to go to his house because his house is in a criminal area, Izuku always has new wounds every day and I always treat it at school, the wound looked worse and worse but he asked me not to tell anyone.

after hearing his words earlier on the roof of the school I felt very sad and my chest hurt but I don't know why, I haven't cried since I was 4 years old and after hearing Izuku's words I couldn't help crying while hugging him, when I got home I immediately went to my room and lay on my bed, I looked at the ceiling of my room while thinking what should I do, can I help Izuku? but how? did I tell parents about Izuku?, No I can't do that, Izuku made me promise him I won't tell anyone his problem but I don't want to lose Izuku.

For the rest of the day, I kept wondering what should I do to help Izuku and my parents seemed to notice something was wrong with me and asked me.

"Did you have problems at school? Or maybe something happened?" dad asked while we were having dinner together, I looked up at him and sighed.

"I was just thinking about something" I replied.

"Thinking about what?" mom asked.

"I want to help my friend but I don't know what to do" I replied, mom and dad looked surprised at my words.

"You want to help your friend? What's his name? Why don't you ever invite him here?" Mom asked excitedly and Dad tried to calm her down.

"His name is Izuku, he came here once and he never wanted to come when I invited him because he felt he didn't deserve to come here or something like that, he has bad parents who don't even deserve to be called by parents, Izuku is often hit by his parents and his parents often insult him, Izuku is still in school but he rarely pays school fees because his parents don't give him money to pay for school and Izuku pays with the money he gets from helping teachers and doing homework for other students, now he will go and I want to help him and wants him not to leave me " I say, Both my parents were shocked by what I said and after a while they smiled.

"how about we tomorrow go see your friend at school, mom and dad will try to find a way to help him after seeing your friend" mom said and I felt very happy and nodded, after that, I finished my dinner and went to my room to do homework and go to sleep.

The next day I woke up at 6 am and went to the kitchen to cook lunch for me and Izuku, I made Izuku's favorite food, namely katsudon and when it all finished I had breakfast with my dad and mom then like they said last night they took me to school and when we until school I rushed to class but I didn't find Izuku there.

'huh? strange he was not in a class, maybe he was in the locker 'I thought and I walked towards the locker but he was also not there, when I wanted to go I saw something stuck in my locker door, I took it and it was a letter, I read who sent it and written it from Izuku and I immediately opened it.

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