Chapter: 11 First Day of School And First Job

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Izuku POV

I and Katsuki returned to the dorm after jogging and when we entered the dormitory we decided to clean up and have breakfast, I walked to my room and Kyo to clean up and wake up Kyo, when I got to the room I saw Kyo was still asleep and I decided to clean up then I woke up Kyo, after I cleaned myself I woke him up by pulling his blanket and dripping water on his face, Kyo woke up and he looked shocked and I laughed seeing his face.

"Izuku! You bastard! Can't you wake me up like a normal person?" Kyo said and I tried to stop laughing but I couldn't, after a while I stopped laughing and Kyo looked angry.

"You don't wake up when I wake you up like a normal human being so I do that, get ready today we start school and get the mouse's first job," I said and Kyo nodded and woke up from sleep and walked to the bathroom to get ready, I came out of the room and walked to the kitchen and when I got there I saw Katsuki was cooking something and there was Kirishima in the kitchen island talking to Katsuki but Katsuki ignored him, I walked to the kitchen and took a glass and I took milk from the fridge and poured it into the glass.

"Kat, where does your mother keep my belongings and Kyo?" I asked Katsuki and sat on one of the chairs.

"My house shed, why? Do you need it quickly? I can ask Old Hag to send it here and by noon it will arrive" Katsuki said.

"Well Mice still hasn't made a place for that stuff but I have something I want to bring here with all my stuff and Kyo," I said and got up from the chair to wash my glass.

"Oh ..... you just send the item to my house and I'll say one of the servants in the house put it with your other things," Katsuki said.

"I will send one of my people to your house to deliver my stuff," I said and Katsuki nodded.

"Tell the characteristics and I will tell the waiter that your people will come," Katsuki said as he put the dish on 3 plates.

"Her trait, is a woman with long blue hair and her nickname is Lapiz," I said and Katsuki took out his cellphone and sent a message to someone like I said.

"Done, this is your breakfast and this is Kyo's breakfast, that's lunch for you, me, and Kyo" Katsuki said while pointing at 3 lunch places and he was washing the dishes, I nodded and Kyo walked towards me.

"Kyo, this is your breakfast, Katsuki made it, so it must be delicious," I told Kyo.

"Thank you Katsuki! You're the best!" Kyo said and he took a plate and went to sit on one of the chairs.

"Why is he calling you with your first name?" Kirishima said and Katsuki ignored him and I took a plate and sat next to Kyo.

"This is very delicious! Katsuki You are very good at cooking, Izuku, your cooking skills are inferior to Katsuki" Kyo said.

"I know that I have tasted katsuki food since I was little and now is the first time I eat katsuki food after 6 years," I said and started eating katsuki food, I felt the taste of the food that I really missed and didn't feel my breakfast was gone run out and I'm full.

"thank you for the breakfast!" I said and I got up to wash my dishes, because Katsuki was still washing the dishes I approached him and whispered to him.

"Thank you for the breakfast Love, I really like it," I said and Katsuki's face was a little blushed.

"I do the washing, you just have breakfast Katsuki," I said and Katsuki nodded, he went to breakfast while I was washing the dishes after I finished I saw Katsuki was talking to Kyo and Kirishima looked not like him.

"Katsuki, Kyo and I will go ahead of the other students because Nezu called us to work, do you want to come with us?" I asked and Katsuki nodded, he and Kyo got up from their seat and Katsuki took his bag which was on the island then we left for Nezu's office, when I arrived in front of Nezu's office I knocked on the door and a voice asked us to enter.

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