Chapter: 10 Talk 2

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Izuku POV

I sat facing the students who thought they were friends Katsuki and Katsuki lay down and put his head on my lap, I played with his hair like I used to do before I get sold and Katsuki let me do that, he took out his cellphone and saw something while I looked to the students in front of me.

"what do you want to talk to me about?" I ask.

"Who are you and what is your relationship with Katsuki?" Kirishima says and Kat is angry with him for calling him by his first name.

"My name is Izuku, I'm Katsuki's boyfriend and Katsuki's childhood friend, I'm quirkless but don't try to bother me or I'll make you go to the hospital with a bullet near your heart" I answered and showed my two handguns.

"Before you ask, yes I am allowed to bring my weapon and Kyo is the same, the reason is allowed, self-defense" I added, they Nod except Kirishima.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, mina, kaminari, and Sero, I work for mice who are the head of the school at UA and will not hurt students except for self-defense," I said and those who I mentioned their names looked shocked.

"do you know our names? how?" Kaminari asked and I laughed.

"I work for Nezu, I know all the students at UA as well as all the teachers, I know your address, who are your relatives and I know who your loved ones are so yes I know your names" I replied and they looked surprised even to Kirishima.

"I'm also a hacker so I know you guys are spying on me and Kyo and you enter our room without permission from me or Kyo, I can report your actions to Nezu and get you punished for breaking boarding rules and tarnishing UA's good name by taking a low-level crime, "I said, they fell silent and I sighed and showed their chat to each other with a student named Toru.

"I have evidence and I do not hesitate to report it, good luck with your punishment," I said and got up from the couch with Katsuki following me, I walked to Aizawa's room and knocked on his door, after a few minutes she opened the door and I told her that some students broke the rules by entering my and Kyo's room without my or Kyo's permission.

"I will give her the punishment as stipulated in the dormitory, and before I forgot Nezu said to meet him in his office tomorrow morning before going to class, you and Kyo," Aizawa said and I nodded. 

I walked to Katsuki's room to spend time together and when we got to katsuki's room my cellphone vibrated, I looked at my cellphone which looked like Lapiz was calling me and I just remembered that I promised to talk to her at 7 pm and now it's 7 pm.

"Wait a minute Lapiz, I have to find a place to talk, call in 10 minutes," I said and hung up the phone, I went to katsuki's room to take my laptop and then I entered my room and Kyo, I felt someone else in my room and I did not hesitate kick at that person, I hit something and I hear someone groaning in pain.

"Why are you in my room Toru?" I said while pointing my gun at her, I heard people knocking on the door and I knew it wasn't Kyo because he never knocked.

"enter the door not locked," I said and the door opened and you could see Katsuki standing in front of the door, Aizawa was behind him and he looked confused.

"Aizawa, what a coincidence you are here I found this student in my and Kyo's room, you can take her," I said while continuing to point my gun at the student in my room and when he moved a little I shot my gun near her hand.

"move and I shoot you," I said and Aizawa sighed, he entered my room and held Toru then took her away, I closed the door and called Kyo using my cellphone and he came after a few minutes.

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