Chapter: 5 New Life

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Izuku POV

It's been a month since I became a servant of a young master and I've killed more than 10 people on the orders of the young master, the young master has trusted me and gave me the handgun that I used the first time I killed, the young master also told me about his past and asked me to call him Josh, I know little by little about the young master or Josh and it turns out that Josh is not the master's real son, Josh's mother was killed by the master and he was taken by the master to be made into a killing machine, Josh also told me that he couldn't kill the master because when the master died he would also die because of a device implanted in his heart.

The device can only be disabled using a remote in the master's office, but Josh doesn't know where the remote is, Jost also said that everyone he and I killed was just to convince the master that we were doing normal things and not questioning us, during the "hunting" Josh's only took bad people like criminals and people with bad traits he met.

Josh offers me freedom by helping him find a remote that can turn off the device in Josh's heart, I accept it and I ask Kyo to find the remote in the master's room because he is the master's favorite servant for now, while Kyo is looking for a remote I practice with Josh how to shoot and trying out the martial arts that I learned from books to real humans, I am now proficient in all the martial arts that Kyo stole from the master library and I am also starting to be an expert on shooting because Josh has been helping me.

Now I'm doing a hunt for a kidnapper for me to bring to the cage and killed there, I monitored the man from the top of the building using scop on my anesthetic rifle and when the man was passing through an alley road I shot him right on his shoulder, he had shouted but no one was around and he was unconscious, I got down from my place and went over to the man and took him to Jost who is waiting on the car.

"good job Izuku, I know you won't disappoint me," Josh says.

"let's move on to the next target," Josh said and I put the man in the car, tied him and duct-taped his mouth.

"who's the next target?" I ask.

"a woman who became an illegal drug dealer and she killed some innocent people for fun," Josh said.

"Does she have guards? Such people usually have guards?" I ask.

"he has 3 guards, you can kill her guards but leave the one who has red hair, he has a family and he does the job because he was forced to like you and me," Josh said and I nodded, after a few minutes of traveling we arrived at an old building and I got out of the car and pulled out a rifle and some darts.

"What are we going to do with the red-haired guard? Do we take him too or leave him" I asked and Josh thought.

"If we leave him the women group will kill him, how about you shoot him too and spare one other guard to prove that they were attacked, with that I guest the red-haired guard won't be killed," Josh said and I nodded, went to the top of the empty building and looking around looking for the target location, after finding the target I watched him and waited for a good chance to shoot and as they went through a quite empty road I shot one of the guards and immediately reloaded and shot the target then I shot the remaining 2 people.

I got out of the empty building and got into the car, Jost drive towards the target location which was not far, I put the target on the car and kill one guard, I left the remaining 2 in that place and went back to the cage with Josh, during the trip I cleaned my weapon and the man I was catch woke up and he looked panicked and tried to get away, I hit him with the butt of the rifle and he passed out again, Josh smiled at what I did.

"look at you, you like a professional Hitman," Josh said and I chuckled.

"well who taught me?" I said and Josh laughed.

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