Chapter: 14 Black Market

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Izuku POV

a few days after Shouto, Momo, Iida, and Jiro and we are getting closer every day and now we trust each other a lot, today is the day we went to the black market near UA and I've told them what they need before going there like a black hoodie and a mask, Kyo and I have our own clothes, which are the clothes we wore when we were in the underworld, I wore the coat Josh gave and the black mask and gloves, I also brought all my weapons, Kyo wore white coat lab with gloves and wearing a white mask.

Now, we are talking about our plan to go to the black market in my room and Kyo, we already dressed and ready to go but we have to wait for Aizawa to go to sleep, when the clock is at 8 pm we go out through the window of my room and Kyo and I've made sure that no one will see us even the camera because I've hacked the camera that we are going to pass after we got to the ground I pointed the road at the others and after a few minutes of walking we arrived at our destination, this black market is located below the city and we had to cross the waterways to get to the market.

when we arrived at the market the place was practically clean and we walked around the black market, we passed many traders and we stopped at a shop and the shop is a shop that sells some rare components, Kyo bought some components and bargained the price as cheap as he could while the others look around them after Kyo is done shopping we continue our journey to the bad part of the black market, which is a row of slave shops and wild animals that are caught illegally.

"here is the bad part of the market, if you guys don't want to pass it we can come back," I said and they nodded but Katsuki held me and pointed to one of the cages in the shop.

"I know that kid, I saw him at the camp," Katsuki said and the others looked at the child Katsuki was pointing at.

"I remember that child too, why is he here?" Momo said.

"The possibility of being kidnapped, I could free it by buying it from that shop, but we need a good reason to give it to Aizawa," I said.

"We'll think about that later, now save him first," Jiro said and I nodded and we walked towards the shop that sells the child Katsuki pointed at.

"Hey, how much is this kid?" I asked the shop owner.

"1 million," the shop owner said,

"750 thousand" I bid.

"850 thousand and it's yours," the shop owner said.

"Deal," I said

"Are there any other kids you sell here?" I asked and the shop owner nodded.

"There are a few more kids but if I may know what you want to do with these kids?" the shop owner asked.

"experimenting" I replied and the shop owner showed me some cages that had children the same age as the previous ones, after some of the children were shown I stopped in front of a child whose hands were in handcuffs and asked the shop owner.

"Why is this child in handcuffs?" I ask.

"Oh, this boy, he has a wild quirk and is quite a pain to manage, he can make his hands sharp knives," the shop owner answered.

"how many for these kids," I ask.

"You want this kid? well, he's a little troublesome for me so how about 700 thousand?" the shop owner said.

"500 thousand" I bid.

"Okay, he's yours," said the shop owner and he pulled the boy out of his cage, the boy struggled when he was pulled out of his cage. 

After a while, the boy gave up and stopped and the shop owner gave up the child to me, I walked towards the front of the shop with the boy who was only silent when I pulled him.

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