Chapter: 8 Class 1-A Dormitory And Reunion

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Izuku POV

I, Kyo, and Aizawa entered the dormitory class 1-A and saw some students watching TV and there were also some students in the kitchen, I was looking for Katsuki but I didn't see him anywhere until there was a sound of an elevator and when the elevator door opened I saw the person I was looking for, Aizawa announced to the students that from today Kyo and I will live with them and will be in the same class with them, several students asked and Aizawa made them all silent and pointed one by one.

"Iida, what do you want to ask?" Aizawa said tiredly.

"what are the names of the two of them?" Iida asked.

"My name is Kyo," Kyo said.

"My name is Izuku," I said and Katsuki looked surprised and I waved at him.

"long time no see kat," I said and katsuki was silent and walked towards me, when he was in front of me the students looked scared but I just smiled.

"Where have you been? You just fucking disappeared and just left a fucking letter saying you were gone" Katsuki said with a low voice and I could feel he was angry, sad, happy, and wanted to kill me on the spot.

"well, I have explained it in the letter, right? I have a feeling that I will be sold so I wrote a letter for you to make you not worry" I said and pulled Katsuki into a hug, all the students looked shocked and couldn't believe what they saw.

"Are you crying kat? I feel like my clothes getting wet" I said jokingly and Katsuki hit me.

"Ow ...... it hurts kat, but it's okay I still love you," I said in a low voice so that only Katsuki could hear and he hit me harder.

"Aizawa, where do I and Kyo sleep?" I asked while still hugging Katsuki.

"You two sleep on the 3rd floor, between Katsuki and Kirishima's room" Aizawa answered with a shocked face.

"Kat, can you show us our room?" I said and Katsuki nodded and pulled my hand and Kyo followed me, we entered the elevator and when the door opened Kat pulled me and stopped at the room that was written Katsuki.

"This is your room, where are my room and Kyo?" I asked and Katsuki pointed to the door next to his room but he pulled me into his room.

"Good luck Izuku," Kyo said and the door closed, now I'm in Katsuki's room and Katsuki's room is very neat and clean, Katsuki pushed me into his bed and he was on top of me.

"Say what you wrote at the end of the letter," Katsuki said, I try remembered what I wrote at the end of the letter and I remembered that I confessed my feelings to him.

"Katsuki Bakugo, will you be my boyfriend?" I said and Katsuki kissed me.

"You accept me? I disappeared without any news and left you for 6 years but you still accept me?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course, I accept you, but don't disappear again," Katsuki said and I laughed.

"I will never love, I will be with you from now on," I said and kissed his hand.

"I am yours and always be like that until I die," I said and Katsuki's face was red.

"You don't seem to have changed, huh? Your classmate looks shocked when you let me hug you," I said as I sat down and Katsuki was on my lap.

"Why do I show this side of me to those losers," Katsuki said and I laughed.

"How do you feel about this year? you had a lot of bad things lately right?" I asked and Katsuki paused and answered.

"Honestly I feel like shit but now you're here and I feel better," Katsuki said.

"Sorry I can't do anything and wasn't there when you needed help," I said apologetically.

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